Shaya raised her brows. “She is?”
“Yes, and she is coordinating with King Malloron to strengthen magical barriers between here and there. They may eventually find out what an Omega is but they’ll never be able to come here.”
Shaya exhaled the breath she was holding. That sounded more reassuring. The woman in white was no doubt powerful. If she was going to take precautions that involved King Malloron then she trusted that they were safe.
Kyus patted her arm. “I’ll be back to visit soon,” she said. “Make sure that you look after yourself and my niece or nephew.”
Shaya frowned, tilting her head up at her words. “What?”
Kyus gestured to Shaya’s stomach. “My niece or nephew. Make sure that you look after them.”
Shaya’s frown deepened and she slowly rose from the bed. That meant…
Kyus sobered. “You didn’t know?”
Shaya opened her mouth but had no words. How would she know?
“Oh, Shaya,” Kyus said, kneeling on the side of the bed as she took Shaya’s hands. “I’m sorry. I thought you were aware.”
“Rozalia has been focusing on Kardos,” Shaya said, slowly disorientated. “I haven’t been able to ask anything about how strange I’ve been feeling.”
“You are feeling strange because you are with child,” Kyus said softly. “It will settle down once your Alpha is better. He will help you to get through the pregnancy.”
Shaya took a breath and exhaled slowly. “So we conceived in the unknown Lands.” She glanced at Kyus. “That is probably a new event for the history books.”
“Indeed.” Kyus grinned. “But a great story to tell them when they grow up.”
Shaya face was suddenly hot. “No, actually,” she muttered. “I think I’ll keep the details vague.”
Kyus laughed and hugged her as she bid her farewell, and Shaya lay down next to Kardos, staring at him, her heart full that he was going to get the child he wanted, and she was beginning her own family.
There was nothing more that she could ask for.
When Kardos finally recovered from most of his injuries, Shaya found she was reluctant to leave the bed.
There wasn’t anything better for her to be doing than laying in his arms and enjoying his purr and his fingers stroking down her back or her arms, or gripping her ass.
As soon as he opened his eyes, she kissed him, then pressed herself firmly against his body.
“You got your wish,” she murmured.
“I can see that,” he muttered back, smiling at her. “My Omega is still in my arms.”
“Not that.” She grinned. “You’re going to be a father.”
Kardos pulled her closer for a kiss. “I know,” he said.
“You do?” Shaya gasped against his lips. “When? When did you know?”
“In the unknown Lands.”
Shaya gave him the hardest glare she could manage, which wasn’t very hard at all right now. “Why didn’t you tell me!”
“I didn’t want to worry you,” Kardos said. “And you would have worked it out eventually.” He stared into her eyes. “And now you know why I fed you all the sap leaves.”
Shaya thought back that morning, and the men they had encountered. “But the men on horseback….”