“Zolt?” Shaya asked in surprise. “Why didn’t he like it? What else did he think you had to do with all that time on your hands? Isn’t it better to be learning something?”
Treska lifted her shoulders. “He cannot think that because he taught me himself.”
“Hmm,” Shaya murmured, watching Treska. “Maybe he just didn’t want Bakra teaching you. Maybe he wanted to teach you himself.”
“He could have taught me any time,” Treska said, a hint of annoyance in her voice. “He is friends with my Ma. He visits for potions all the time for himself and the rest of the tribes.”
“Did you enjoy being taught by him?”
Treska nodded, although there was a slight flush to her cheeks. “He is very patient, but very… confusing.”
“Will you continue lessons?”
“I think…?” She shrugged. “If he has time. He is at the house more often now but not to teach me. I can see if Bakra has more time.”
Shaya laughed, though Treska looked at her blankly. “Yes, I think that’s a good idea, Treska, but Zolt may still not like it.”
“I am free now,” Treska said firmly. “There is no need for me not to learn. Ma says it’s important to—”
“I agree,” Shaya interrupted. “But maybe your Ma should teach you instead.”
Treska nodded thoughtfully. “Good idea,” she beamed. “She is busy too but at least we live together.”
“Well,” Shaya said slowly. “I was going to ask you if you’d like to come to the Central Island with us.”
Treska’s face dropped in shock. “What?”
“We have to move there when we are both announced, and I need some help to figure out—”
Shaya’s breath left her Treska threw herself on her. “Thank you! Thank you, thank you! That would be… so….”
Shaya laughed and hugged her back—the first Southern Islander who ever showed her kindness. “No, thank you, Treska.”
Shaya spent most of the next day reading the documents Rozalia had brought from Kardos’ study. Her understanding of written Mayaros was not as good as verbal, so she had to make note of things she didn’t understand to ask Rozalia or Treska when they came to visit. But it seemed pretty clear on the rules of working against the tribe. And although it was harsh, she now understood why it was important. There was no central policing system, each tribe had to police itself. But what would happen if one tribe took it upon itself to work against another, secretly, and deviously, without any obvious evidence of it? Although the Southern Lands were brutal, there was a shared understanding that everyone was in the same situation and that it only benefited each other to help, or at least not work against each other. From what the archer had said about Tribe Obari, that was not the case with that tribe’s leader or its shinno. It seemed as though the people of Tribe Obari weren’t necessarily complicit in what was happening. And so, while the high chef slept, Shaya had to make a choice.
“You wanted to see me, high chieftess.”
Shaya looked upon Zolt, while she remained sitting in the bed next to Kardos with his arm around her. “I’m not sure how much you know,” she began, “but Tribe Obari has been working against the Southern Land.”
Zolt gaze sharpened, and he shifted on his feet. “I heard something was said to the warriors when the mountains were being cleared,” he said slowly. “But I haven’t spoken to Kardos yet to know any more.”
“Tribe Obari have been murdering “light” people,” she explained, pointing to her mate, “to prevent the Southern Lands from being influenced by outsiders. This been happening for decades. They’ve used the blizzards to cover up and prevent anyone from finding out what they’ve been doing.”
Shock slammed into Zolt’s face. “How do you know this?”
“One of the archer’s who was sent to murder Kardos explained everything.”
Zolt got ahold of himself quickly, though he was clearly unnerved by the idea. “Do you know who in Tribe Obari is responsible?”
“The tribe leader and its shinno were named as people who were complicit in what was going on,” Shaya said. “I need them detained.”
“Of course,” Zolt said thoughtfully. “Would you like them to be detained in Central Island? Or permanently imprisoned on one of the clan islands?”
“From my understanding, they have a chance to explain themselves during a trial?”
Zolt nodded. “They do, but that is rarely used if the evidence is overwhelming.”