He had broken bones, inflamed tendons, sprained joints, deep gashes where the rocks had cut him, burned skin, and a concussion.
Although he slept, Rozalia scolded him as she treated him, calling him an idiot alpha while also extremely careful about ensuring he didn’t suffer any more pain.
Shaya agreed with her. She would have scolded Kardos if she hadn’t wanted to interrupt him from getting sleep. He had carried her with broken bones! And it hadn’t even been necessary for him to do so.
Of course, she stayed in bed with him. He wouldn’t remove his arm from around her waist, and he pulled her into him as he slumbered, which was fine by her. She simply watched him sleep and then settled in against his chest to rest herself. It took a week before her own injuries lessened, and even then she still didn’t feel fully recovered. In that time, she was left in a perpetual state of worry for Kardos, who slept constantly.
Once she was able to stay awake without any lingering headache or pain, Rozalia filled her in and what happened with the blizzard.
The Nyek people survived the collapsed mountain, although there had been two deaths on the way to the shelter due to the iciness on the rocks.
The rest of the island had fared well, although teams were still combing the islands searching for anyone who may still be in any pain or trapped.
“Did any of his warriors tell you about Tribe Obari?” Shaya asked, as Rozalia applied Kardos’ daily treatment.
“No,” Rozalia said, frowning. “Is something wrong?”
“Yes,” Shaya said darkly. “They have been working against the Southern Lands.”
Rozalia stilled. “This is something to speak to Zolt about.”
“I think Kardos told his warriors about it.”
“That may be so,” Rozalia said, “but they cannot do anything unless instructed. Do you know who in Tribe Obari specifically?”
Shaya nodded.
“Then you need to speak to Zolt.”
Shaya’s eyes widened. “I can’t speak to him,” she said, alarmed. “I don’t know the procedure.”
Rozalia smiled at her and then made her way around the bed to pat her arm. “You make the procedure, high chieftess,” she said softly. “Zoltan is our strategist. He works for you as much as he does Kardos. If you feel that something needs to be done now, then you should act.”
Shaya took a breath, letting Rozalia’s words sink in. High chieftess. Was that what she was now? The woman in white had said that she was equal to Kardos—that they ruled together. Did that mean she had as much power as him? It couldn’t. She didn’t know enough about the Lands to make such decisions, and yet she recalled Kardos saying they should have been announced together.
“Are there any documents or records I can read?” she asked Rozalia. “I don’t feel like I know enough.”
Rozalia nodded. “Kardos has plenty in his study I can get for you to read.”
Shaya nodded. “That would be helpful. It’s not as though I can do anything else.”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you slipped away from the bed.”
Shaya laughed. There was no way he would allow that—even in his sleep—and besides, she didn’t want to leave his arms just yet.
Rozalia seemed to sense it in her, perhaps it was the way in which she pulled Kardos’ arms tighter around her. “I will get the records for you, Shaya,” she said, smiling.
“One more thing,” Shaya called out.
Rozalia turned around.
“I would love to see Treska.”
Rozalia grinned. “Of course.”
Treska looked exactly the same as always. Shaya had been worried she might look thin or worn down from being imprisoned, but then remembered her imprisonment happened awhile ago. She asked for her release before she was put in the Discovery Mountains.