“Kardos,” she said, relieved. “Are you well?”
“I am fine, Shaya,” he said softly, settling down on top of her. “But I just need to rest for a while longer, then we must find shelter.”
Shaya burst into tears. “I don’t want anything to happen to you,” she sobbed. “I cannot survive it here if you’re not with me.”
“I’m not leaving you, Shaya,” Kardos said firmly, kissing her forehead. “I just need rest, that is all. If there are people here, that means that it is survivable. I am a warrior, and I am with one of the most incredible potionist known to the Southern Lands. We will survive this.”
“I’m not a potionist,” Shaya said between sniffles. “There is nothing here; this is a dead land. I cannot work with nothing, even if I were powerful.”
“Rozalia said that you are extremely powerful,” he said thumbing away her tears. “And you found the sap leaves, so you will find more. Just let me rest and then we will go.” He brushed away her tears. “No tears,” he murmured as he kissed her. “They are daggers, remember? They hurt me more than any injury.”
Shaya swallowed, forcing the tears away as she turned into him, pressing her cheek against his chest and allowing him to wrap her into him tightly. She vowed silently that she would ensure he got better, no matter what it would take, no matter what she had to do. She would not let her Alpha die.
Within the next hour, something caught her attention.
In the distance, the sound of hooves carried through the air. She twisted around to look and was stunned to see a large number of men on horses riding toward them from the edge of the horizon. It was difficult to see from their distance, but it was clear that they were from this Land. There must be a city or village somewhere nearby.
But the sight of them disturbed her. Were they passing through? Had they been called by the man that got away? What would they do with her and Kardos when they found them?
She nudged Kardos, only to find that he was already awake looking at the approaching men, his face grim. Clearly, he did not see this as a good sign.
They both watch the men as they approached, coming closer and closer as the hooves became louder. There was no point in running—they could not escape horses. Shaya felt Kardos feel for his weapons as his eyes remained on the approaching threat.
As they neared, Shaya noticed that these men, at least, wore clothes, seemingly some kind of uniform, which suggested that there was a society nearby. The man in front carried a weapon, and there was a pole with some kind of symbol rising from behind him.
Shaya’s heart dropped. From the snarl on the men’s faces, it looked like they were coming for her and Kardos—and not with any good intentions.
Behind her, Kardos shifted as he reached for his furs, no doubt to prepare, but how many men could he truly take on? There must be at least thirty, and they were all on horseback.
A sudden wind caught her attention, piercing through the thick air and providing a cool breeze.
When she turned, she gasped as a portal formed just a few feet from them.
Both she and Kardos got up, watching it carefully, and her heart burst with relief when she saw a person step through.
She turned to run toward her sister, but Kardos’ arm was already around her, preventing her from moving too far from him.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. “How did you find us?”
“The woman in white. The portal took you to the wrong place,” Kyus explained, as she looked around, a frown forming on her face. Her eyes opened wide when she saw the men coming toward them on horseback. “Quickly, come on.”
“We need to go back to the Southern Lands,” she said as Kardos gathered their furs.
“Yes,” Kyus said. “Quickly.”
Before Shaya could take a step, Kardos had already lifted her into his arms.
She looked over his shoulder to see the men thundering toward them, and as the lead man leaned forward pushing his horse harder, bellowing out as he increased his speed.
Not a moment too soon, Kardos stepped through the portal, and they were no longer a concern.
Kardos was more hurt than he let Shaya believe.