Page 55 of Own to Obtain

Suddenly, the rocks above him shifted, sliding off him as though they were being pulled off. Shaya looked around, hoping help was here. As the rocks were pulled away and above their heads, more fell on to Kardos’ back, causing him to grunt in exertion.

Shaya twisted, looking to see who was pulling the rocks, and gasped at what she saw.

The portal.

It was a few feet from the top of her head, and all the rocks surrounding it were being pulled in by the gentle wind swirling in its center.

She looked around wildly, trying to see how they could escape the rocks from being dislodged, but the more they moved, the more fell on Kardos.

“Kardos, we have to find a way out,” she said. “The portal has returned. It’s dislodging all the mountain rocks. I don’t know how many will fall before the portal disappears again.”

Kardos grunted as another heavy slab his back. “How many more are above us?”

“A lot.”

Kardos grunted as another hit him.

“Kardos,” she said, her voice breaking. “You cannot be willing to give your life for mine because I won’t survive without you. I need you. We need to be together.”

Kardos was still for a long moment and then he moved swiftly.

Tucking his arm underneath, her he lifted her up, pressing her to his chest and then shifted forward on his elbow.

“What are you doing?” Shaya gasped. “You could hurt yourself if you move—”

Her words were swallowed as she realized he was heading toward the portal. “Kardos!” she yelled. But it was too late.

Kardos pushed off his knees and launched them directly into the portal.


They landed on hard ground next large mountain rocks, and Shaya breathed heavily, trying to shake off the effects of going through the portal. It was as though the magic bubbled again her skin as soon as it touched her.

Kardos remained on top of her, but this time he was limp.

“Kardos,” she whispered.

“I am here, Shaya,” he said. He rolled to the side of her, groaning as he did.

Shaya propped herself up on her elbows and looked around.

It looked like a dry desert, except there was no sand. It was just plain brown rock. Nothing existed as far as she could see, no buildings, no trees, no lakes, nothing. It was as though they landed in the equivalent of the Southern Lands, except it was extremely hot and bright.

The air had a strange scent and feel to it; a thickness she disliked immensely.

This was not where the woman in white told her that she would go. This did not look like a place with privacy, food, or shelter. What had gone wrong?

“Where are we?” Kardos asked her, looking around for himself.

“The unknown Lands.”

His face tightened. “This is where you were going to come when you were trying to escape me?”

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” Shaya said. “This wasn’t how she described it.”


“The woman who created the portal.”