Kardos frowned. “What you mean? What people could you possibly be targeting?”
The man didn’t answer, simply stared at Kardos.
But behind him, Shaya drew in a sharp breath. “You attack people that are known toonlydie during the blizzards.”
Kardos’ entire body went cold. “You attack fair people? People like me,” he growled. “Those with light hair and skin and eyes?” At his utter disbelief, the man nodded.
“Why?” Kardos thundered. If he didn’t have Shaya at his back, he would be pummeling the man with his fists until he took his last breath. It was the most horrific thing he had ever heard, and the anger and disbelief that coursed through him was powerful enough that he would kill this man with his bare hands. But he didn’t want Shaya to be hurt in the process. Besides, he still needed answers. Many people had been killed; women, children… his mother! “Explain yourself!”
“It is not a well-known fact, but there was a time when Tribe Obari ruled the other tribes. We were powerful and rich, and poised as a ruling and dominating force in the Southern Lands. It was intended that it would be Tribe Obari who would lead the other tribes, that there would be no Central Island or tribe leaders or high chief to decide what happens across the Southern Lands. Tribe Obari would be the only true ruling power.”
“That could never have happened,” Kardos said sternly. “We have always been situated this way.”
“For centuries this history has been hidden from the rest of the Southern Lands,” the man said. “Along with documents about Az Eshra.”
Kardos clenched his jaw. “What documents?”
“Tribe Obari have portraits of them.”
“Portraits? Of Az Eshra?” It was almost impossible to believe. Az Eshra were more like a presence to him than actual people. Even though it was known they lived, everyone thought of them in their own way. A portrait of them would go a long way to unifying people’s beliefs. “The rest of the Southern Lands would rejoice at being able to see their portraits. Why hasn’t this been shared?”
“Because they were fair.”
All words left Kardos.
“No, let me correct that. Azethos, the male, was fair. He was pale with blonde hair and brown eyes.”
Kardos was quiet as he digested that. Never had he imagined that either of Az Eshra were fair—like him.
“But if you believe in Az Eshra, if you have faith in them,” Shaya said by his ear, “why would you want to kill anybody who has similar attributes to them? They aren’t a threat.”
“At the time they became known to the Southern Lands, they were considering by some a disruptive force,” the man explained. “Most saw them as positive, but to Tribe Obari, they were a threat. They disrupted the power that Obari was about to seize over the rest of the Isles. My tribe could do nothing to stop it. The other islands were infatuated with them and the new things they brought to the Isles.”
“And their hair color was the cause of that?” Shaya asked, disbelievingly.
“No. My tribe focused on their coloring because it was the easiest difference—Obari were unsophisticated with their reasoning. But it isn’t about color, it is about them being outsiders—even outsiders who were darker like us were a threat, simply because they were different. Islanders emulated them, what they wore, what they ate… It is a common and normal thing for people to do that. Even you, chieftess, the people of the Southern Lands have started wrapping their hair the way you do, because you are admired and are a sign of powerful change in the Isles.”
“People have always covered their heads here,” Kardos snapped. “It is not uncommon. We live among snow and ice.”
“Indeed,” the man agreed. “But not the way that the Omega does. She has her own way of doing things, her own customs, and that is revered because of what she represents—she is different. When Az Eshra died in a blizzard, it was a chance to reinforce the idea that they had been weak, that regardless of their achievements, they couldn’t survive the Southern Lands, not truly. Tribe Obari wanted to reinforce that belief and to prevent any other person, who was clearly not a Southern Islander, to a position of power. So they orchestrated the deaths of anyone who looked like Azethos.”
Kardos’ jaw hardened. So that was why Tribe Obari attacked Shaya’s hair—she too was different.
“But that didn’t work,” Shaya insisted. “Az Eshra are revered, even after their deaths.”
“Yes,” the man agreed. “I believe it was an oversight Tribe Obari had not counted on. So they hid their portraits and destroyed any mention of their physical appearance. Regardless of that, it was Tribe Nyek that rose to be the most influential island, but then there has never been any threat of an outsider rising to power.” His eyes slid to Kardos. “Until you.”
Kardos felt Shaya stiffen on his back. “I’m not an outsider,” he said.
“No, and so you weren’t a priority. Not until you brought an Omega from the outside and bonded with her. Our shinno hoped to at least win her for himself. He felt sure he could because you were already betrothed to someone in his tribe, which would have helped redress the balance of power. Nothing went as planned.”
Kardos and Shaya were silent, staring at the man in disbelief, and the man simply stared back.
“I admit,” he added, “the entire scenario is bad.”
“It is more than bad!” Kardos bellowed. “You are murderers!”
“Please understand,” the man pleaded. “We do not know the full picture while being trained; it is only after we are given our tasks that we understand the purpose of our training. We are then given a choice; defend the honor of Tribe Obari or death.”