Page 31 of Own to Obtain

“Our mother was deeply in love with our father, and from my understanding of what she said, he was also extremely taken with her. But he didn’t make the connection that she was an Omega. She was tasked with seducing him, which of course she did, but in the process, discovered that he was her true mate. She knew she would never be able to stay with him, so she did not tell our superiors of this discovery—she had both of us with him. But she told me that she regretted that I had become a spy,” Kyus said turning around to face them both. “So she didn’t tell her superiors about you. She wasn’t happy that I could potentially be made to do the kind of missions she had been tasked with, and she wanted us both to live happy, healthy lives, able to pursue anything that brought us joy. She did not think that the Omega Compound or the task placed upon Omegas to continually protect themselves, gave us that opportunity. She particularly wanted us to experience life with an Alpha.” She tilted her head, a smile playing on her lips as she looked at Shaya. “She said being with your true mate is the most unique, intense, and pleasurable experience that anyone could ever have, and that we should experience it if possible.”

The heat rushed to Shaya’s face, but she couldn’t help her smile. Her mother had known what it was like to be with her true mate, and Shaya was pleased that it was with her father—that he hadn’t forced her like she had suspected growing up.

“I don’t know what her plans were for you, but she became extremely sick. The nurse that had seen to your birth couldn’t help her to the extent that she needed it, so she left you with me and returned to the Omega Compound to get treatment.” Kyus took a breath and Shaya instantly guarded herself about what was to come. “But when I contacted my superiors, they told me she never arrived. They didn’t know anything about you or her pregnancy so I didn’t say anything.

“Initially, I intended to take you to the Omega Compound,” Kyus continued. “I wanted you to be safe above everything else, regardless of what Mother said. Being with one’s Alpha is obviously incredible, but there is no guarantee that we will be able to find our own true mates in the course of our lifetimes. It would be worse to be at the hands of an Alpha who does not value what he has, so while I, of course, wanted to respect what Mother had said, I still firmly believed it would be best to take you to the Omega Compound and live a life that may not be as bright, but would be safe.”

“So what changed?” the empress asked.

“While I was deciding, Shaya grew up,” Kyus said, wryly, a smile twisting on her face.

The empress nodded, her expression thoughtful. “You couldn’t let her go,” she said softly.

Kyus lifted a shoulder. “I guess I was more conflicted about what Mother said than I realized, but also…”

She turned to Shaya, her voice quiet. “The first time you saw a beautiful garden, your face lit up brighter than I’d ever seen it,” she said, her voice almost hoarse. “When you were little, it was a disaster for us to ride past any kind of field or garden if I couldn’t let you play there for a while. At bedtime, the stories you loved the most were ones about unique and unusual natural phenomena; rainstorms and deserts and mountains, and you were most at peace when you were outside.” She paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. “The Omega Compound doesn’t have anything like what you had growing up. You would have to give that up for the rest of your life, unless you became a spy, and I absolutely didn’t want you to become one.”

“You think I’m incapable?” Shaya asked.

“No,” Kyus said quickly. “I just didn’t want that life for you. Mother was tasked to seduce a man… I don’t know how many times that was asked of her…”

Shaya blinked, suddenly understanding what Kyus was saying. “So she wasn’t allowed to refuse? You’re not allowed to refuse your assignments?”

“It’s not as simple as that,” the empress interjected.

“No, it’s not,” Kyus agreed. “Mostly I just wanted you happy and safe, and I could only guarantee that while you were with me. And you are my only family, Shaya.”

Instantly Shaya’s mind was drawn to the Kardos’ waterfall temple. She was his only family too and always felt he was doing the best for her. She sighed, pushing the thought of the parallel between them out of her mind and nodded at her sister. “I understand, I think.”

There was a short silence about they looked upon each other, and Shaya felt that she was looking at her sister for the first time—her real sister. Not the one who was safe, and comforting, and like a mother to her, but the Omega spy who did what she needed to do in order to get the result she wanted. She wanted Shaya to have a good and safe life, and she had made choices accordingly. Her heart sank to think that the world was so brutal, not just Kardos’ world, but everything outside her gardens. She had lived with basic assumptions that were black and white. Initially, Kardos seemed like a terrible man, intent on pain and suffering, but as she got to know him, and got to know the land he lived in, much of his decisions could be justified. In the opposite way, she’d thought her sister to be the kindest and gentlest she’d ever known, but in reality, she had hard edges just like everyone else.

“So the Mothers don’t know about Shaya,” the empress asked. Kyus shook her head, averting her eyes from the empress’. Shaya watched them carefully, something suddenly didn’t feel right. “And that’s why you have come to me instead of going to them?” the empress said dryly.

“We have a plan,” Kyus said firmly. “She will be escaping, but she needs somewhere to stay in the meantime. If I take her to the Omega Compound, she will never leave there. And she will end up having the life that I tried so hard to ensure she wasn’t forced to have.”

The empress nodded in understanding, but her lips were tight. “You have sought to do things that you felt was in Shaya’s best interest, but she was taken by an Alpha, Kyus. That has to be the most brutal introduction to the world possible. Regardless of your intentions, it is through being with you that she was discovered, and you have to take responsibility for that.”

“I do,” Kyus shot at her, her eyes blazing. “I do take responsibility. It is completely my fault. But I cannot change what has already happened.”

“You can change the way you treat her. You are still making decisions for her, and not only is she an adult but she probably had more extreme experiences than you, even as an experienced Omega spy for decades.”

Kyus’ nose flared. “She is still young, Cailyn,” she said, her jaw tight. “Just because she was taken—”

The empress rose to her feet slowly, her eyes trained on Kyus. “As you know, I was an Omega spy too—one of the best. And nothing prepared me for when I met my Alpha. Nothing.” She turned her gaze to Shaya, although her words were for Kyus. “She has experienced things you will never dream of unless you have been with your Alpha with no blocks. And if he is indeed her true mate, then nothing compares. She must make this decision. Not you.”

Shaya felt the frustration radiating from Kyus, but strangely she said nothing. She kept her eyes on the empress, who slowly made her way over to Shaya, her eyes softening as she approached.

“I don’t know this Alpha of yours,” she said gently, “and I know you feel that you must escape him, but just know that he may be your best chance of having a good life.”

“He cannot offer me a good life, empress.”

“None of them seem to be capable of that at first,” the empress remarked. “Especially the ones who have an important standing in their society. It doesn’t mean you won’t be able to teach him so you can both be happy.”

Shaya took a breath, confused. That was what Rozalia had said.

“I’m not pretending to know everything about him, Shaya,” the empress said slowly. “He could be terrible through and through. But my only concern is that you bonded with him because you wanted him—that is unusual in a truely abusive situation. What if I could help you find a solution? I strongly recommend you talk to him. What if we facilitated time for you to talk—”

“The decision has already been made, Cailyn,” Kyus said for her, her voice low. “We just need sanctuary for a few hours and then we will be gone.”