“Even so—”
“Kardos.” The high chief’s firm gaze didn’t soften as he spoke again. “You have been very forceful about getting this seat and now it’s in your lap, you are behaving as though everything you have been arguing that you are capable of can wait. It cannot. You will be announced as the next high chief over the next three days and the least you can do is provide inspiration and guidance for your people before the blizzards arrive. If you must go after Shaya after that time, then you can, and I know you will both return safely. If you are the Alpha you’ve always said you are, prove it now.”
Kardos stormed into his study, thoughts swirling around his mind. His father was right, he couldn’t let his people down, but that didn’t mean he still couldn’t be working on finding ways to track and find Shaya. If there was limited time to collect her, he needed to ensure he was prepared so that it went as smoothly as possible. After all, he would have to deal with King Malloron, who was a cunning man of magic, and possibly Emperor Drocco, who Kardos had heard was a warrior at heart. His skill and ability, Kardos had no knowledge of, but it was doubtful he was as skilled as a Nyek warrior.
“Rozalia!” he called again as he pulled down the parchments he needed from the bookshelf.
“Yes, my shinno,” Rozalia’s voice was weak behind him.
“I need you to make a potion to subdue Shaya,” he instructed briskly. “I need it in different formats and strengths so I can administer it without having to put into her mouth. How quickly can you have it ready?”
There was a slight pause. “I cannot do that, Kardos.”
Kardos turned to her and suddenly noticed that she looked ashen. Her eyes were red and her mouth trembled in a tight straight line. “What did you say?” he growled.
Rozalia shook her head, tears filling her eyes. “You would drug her again to bring her back here? Even now? Even after she has clearly chosen to leave us.”
Kardos threw down the parchment, his face contorted. “She has not left us! And it would only be as a last resort. I need her back here before the blizzards strike, and I cannot risk anything happening that would prevent me from—”
“You have learned nothing of her leaving.” Rosalia accused.
Kardos stilled. “What you mean by that?”
Tears swelled in Rozalia’s eyes she shook her head. “Your mother used to say that your stubbornness and determination were your greatest strengths. She said they would help you to persevere regardless of the adversity you would obviously face. She said it would help you to become high chief.”
Kardos frowned in surprise. His mother had thought he would be high chief?
Rozalia nodded as though she could hear his thoughts. “She knew you were destined for greatness, even at that young age, and I agreed with her. But I didn’t expect her to be absent during your most formative years. The years when you would learn about give and take, and sacrifice, and how to treat those you care about.” She shook her head as the tears trickled down her cheeks. “I know it was difficult to lose both parents at six years old, Kardos,” she said, her words gentle. “I know you had no one, and that I wasn’t much of a mother to you—I tried to be, but I couldn’t. Not when we had no real tribe leader for so long.”
“I did not need a mother,” Kardos said. “You were a friend when I needed it, and I appreciate that.”
Rozalia shook her head again, an expression of regret on her face. “I’m not a true friend to you, Kardos. Friends listen to each other, friends are on equal footing. We are not. You are my shinno and tribe leader—and now my chief—I do what you say and argue for you and defend you, even when you behave badly. You do not want to hear my opinions or my advice when you choose not to. And as a chief, this is acceptable, but it works both ways.”
Kardos clenched his fists. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying,” Rozalia began slowly, “that you are no longer the only one I must argue for and defend. You have a mate now, so we have a chieftess, and I must take her interests into account as I take yours. And I will not provide any potions to force her back here when she clearly does not want to be.”
Kardos growled, taking a step toward Rozalia. She had shown herself to be difficult before but she had never so calmly refused to follow his orders. “So you won’t help return her to her home—where she is supposed to be?”
“Returning her here is not my job,” Rosalia said bluntly. “It’s yours. I will not work against her. You should learn from the decision she made to leave.”
“You cannot be suggesting that even if she refuses to return, I must let her go?” Kardos said, incredulous at her argument. “Because that willneverfucking happen! I will drag her back here if I have to!”
“I’m saying that my loyalty is to both of you, as it should have been the moment she bonded with you,” Rozalia said, her voice breaking. “And I know she would never forgive me if I helped you force her back here through the use of potions. She would much rather I use those ingredients to help our people survive the oncoming storms.”
Kardos glared at her, ignoring the onset of her tears as a sharp realization descended. “How do you know she left willingly?”
Rozalia’s eyes lowered and Kardos’ stomach dropped. “She asked me to help her leave when she woke up. I thought I had convinced her to stay but…”
The fierce anger returned to his chest, revolving and spreading, uncontrolled. “So you should have been watching her closely, paying attention in case this happ—”
Rozalia lifted her hand and the sight of an empty potion bottle forced him to cut off his words. “She did something to your bond, didn’t she?” The older woman seemed to age before his eyes, her face becoming almost slack. “That’s why you’re so desperate.”
For the first time, Kardos didn’t know how to respond. He hadn’t told anyone about the fact that there was a large gnawing emptiness in his chest where the sunshine of Shaya had been. He didn’t want to face what it meant because the feeling it inspired in him was one he had rarely felt. It was worse than anger, worse than embarrassment or feelings of inadequacy. It inspired fear. “Can you reverse it?”