Shaya nodded, a nervousness blooming in her stomach.
“It may look unusual, but rest assured it will be a safe journey,” the woman continued. “So when you see it, all you need to do is step through it.”
“We are requesting sanctuary from the empress.”
“Is she expecting you?” the guard’s voice boomed through Shaya, setting alight the nerves that had been pushed to the edge by the woman in white.
“No,” Kyus called back to him through the large gate they stood behind. “But we are Omegas and we need her help.” She paused. “We are from the Southern Lands.”
“Wait here,” the guard said, before heading away.
Shaya could barely pay attention to what was going on. They had taken a carriage from the woman in white’s gated house and traveled through two more portals to an enormous building that looked similar to a castle only prettier. It was beautifully crafted, with carved stone and marble that made it grand and impressive.
Kyus’ hand slipped into hers. “Don’t worry, Shaya,” she said softly. “You will be fine.”
“I have to go to the unknown Lands,” she said miserably.
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be terrible.” She drew Shaya into her arms and hugged her securely, like she always used to when Shaya was growing up. Shaya sighed, enjoying the familiar position and smiling at the usual tickle of Kyus’ hair on her nose, but she couldn’t help think about Kardos. His thick arms wrapped around her and holding her just right against him. She would never have that again. Catching the thought, she pushed it out out of her mind; there was no point in thinking about that anymore.
“Come with me.” A deep voice sounded from behind.
Shaya started, and Kyus released her, leading her through the opening gate.
They followed the guard through the courtyard and entered one of the side doors. Shaya stared at everything. The palace was spectacular. Inside, the walls were patterned and decorated with panels and large tapestries and framed paintings alongside golden candlesticks. They passed beautifully shaped columns that had a shine to them, even though they looked like they were made from stone; thick intricately colored rugs spread along the corridors. It was certainly much more impressive than King Malloron’s castle, which had a typically old-fashioned feel to it with the bare stone walls and majestic doorways. However, as Shaya walked through the corridors, she couldn’t help but notice that neither building had the feel of the high chief’s temple in the Southern Lands. It wasn’t as lavish as this palace, nor as majestic as Eiros Castle, but it had something unique, something special in the air that was tangible when standing inside his main temple area. And nothing she’d come across yet had the sacred feel of Kardos’ own temple, his own personal space where he told her the story of Az Eshra. She had never felt so comfortable sitting in his lap, the gentle stream of the waterfall, the slight echo of the cavernous walls, the soft glow of the sun, and him talking to her. Nothing compared to that.
Finally, the guard slowed to a stop outside a set of double doors and gestured that they enter.
Kyus stepped forward first and looked to Shaya, her eyes asking if she was ready. Shaya nodded, and Kyus twisted the handle and they both walked in.
The furnished room matched the rest of the palace. It seemed to be a private personal area because it wasn’t made up to be a meeting room with desks and chairs. Instead, couches were placed in the center with a small table that held jugs of wine and plates of pastries.
A woman sat on one of the couches watching them curiously as they entered. She had to be the empress, but Shaya was surprised that she was so young. Curly honey-brown hair fell beyond her shoulders, and her brown eyes were bright. Although she was certainly older than Shaya, she thought the empress would be much older and wiser, like the woman in white, but in fact, she appeared younger than Kyus.
Kyus stopped in front of the empress and bowed deeply, and Shaya followed suit.
“Thank you for seeing us, Empress,” Kyus said as she rose. “We are in urgent need of your help.”
The empress inclined her head. “I am honored to see you again, Kyus.”
Shaya’s mouth dropped open. The empress knew her sister?
“You remember me,” Kyus said, smiling.
The empress smiled back. “Of course. I remember watching for you when you used to come to get missions from the Mothers and hoping I would one day get such long-term assignments in the most challenging part of the known Lands. You are one of the most experienced spies.”
“And you are one of the most celebrated.”
The empress shrugged and gestured to Kyus. “Only following in the footsteps of the best.” She looked over them both. “I am intrigued by your presence here. Why did you claim you are from the Southern Lands?”
“I apologize for that deception,” Kyus said. “I wasn’t sure you would remember me and I wanted to increase the chance you would see us on such short notice. It is urgent. This is my sister, Shaya. She was taken to the Southern Lands by an Alpha and she has now escaped.”
The empress’ brows rose and her eyes widened a little. “Why did he take you to the Southern Lands?” she asked Shaya.
Shaya cleared her throat, forcing herself to remain calm. “He wanted to introduce the first Omega to the Southern Lands after decades of absence.”
“A deal was made for him to have an Omega and she offered to go instead of me,” Kyus said tightly. “He took her and had her for about six months. She has recently escaped.”