Page 24 of Own to Obtain

She gestured to the couch opposite her, offering them a seat, as Kyus and Shaya came into the room.

“I’m glad that you were able to meet with me today,” Kyus began, as she sat down.

“I don’t recall you saying that you would bring another,” the woman said looking at Shaya, her face expressionless. Her voice was rich and smooth but Shaya still stiffened at her words.

“My situation has changed since I first requested a meeting with you,” Kyus said. “This is my sister, Shaya. When I first sought this meeting, I wanted to find a way to get to the Southern Lands and make sure she was well—and possibly bring her back. But she was able to find a way to summon me, and we escaped.”

The woman’s brows raised. “Escaped?” she said slowly as her eyes landed and Shaya. “Which tribe are you with?”

“Nyek,” Shaya said nervously.

The woman seemed to freeze. “I don’t know how that can be possible,” she said slowly. “Tribe Nyek is led by shinno Kardos.” She peered at Shaya. “Did he permit you to leave?”

Shaya shook her head, unable to answer.

The woman inhaled slow and long. “That is not good.” She turned to Kyus. “What is it that you seek from me?”

“Advice,” Kyus said. “Shaya is bonded to shinno Kardos, but she took a potion that dulled the bond between them.”

This time, when the woman’s eyes return to Shaya, disbelief and curiosity were present in them. “You created that potion?”

Shaya nodded.

“That is indeed a great feat. And it worked?”

“Yes,” Shaya said hesitantly. “But now we’re not sure what to do.”

“What was your purpose for taking the potion?”

“Well…” Shaya glanced at Kyus, who nodded in encouragement. “I didn’t want to feel the bond in my chest anymore,” she explained. “The Alpha that I was with… He… he didn’t treat me…”

The woman nodded her head with understanding. “I see.” There was a moment of silence. “Is your Alpha likely to be upset by the dulled bond?”

“Very,” both Kyus and Shaya said at the same time.

“Then I assume you had great cause to do this?”

Shaya nodded.

“But you must be aware that the bond cannot be broken?” the woman said, as she leaned forward. “All you have done is annoy the Alpha. He will be coming after you.”

“I know,” she whispered.

“We need your advice about what to do,” Kyus explained. “This potion isn’t something we’ve had experience with before.”

“Most wouldn’t have experience with it,” the woman remarked dryly. “Tell me how you made it.”

Shaya haltingly explained both the ingredients and the process of creating the potion, and the woman interjected every few moments to ask questions.

“How did you manage to find such a wide range of ingredients? I assume you had the support of the potionist?”

Shaya nodded. “I had access to the Nyek potionist’s gardens.”

“Did she help you?”

Shaya shook her head. “She didn’t know I was doing it.”

The woman nodded slowly and was quiet for a long moment. “Your situation is indeed unique,” she began. “But I will not be the one to help you.”