Page 18 of Own to Obtain

“You’re in your brother’s debt, are you not?” Kyus asked sharply. “If he demanded to know where we are, would you choose not to tell him?”

“Yes,” Elion said simply. “This isn’t about him. It is about the shinno.”

“King Malloron has an allegiance with the shinno. He will be forced to help him find Shaya and you will be forced to assist him because you are in his debt. We cannot trust you.” She pushed past Elion, beckoning Shaya to follow, but Elion swept her up against his chest with one thick arm.

“If it will bring you back to me, I will do anything you ask,” he murmured, their noses almost touching as he looked down on her.

Shaya couldn’t help but smile, warmth spreading over her whole body. Kyus relaxed in his arms for a moment and then she seemed to catch herself.

“There is no need to put yourself in that position, your Majesty,” she said tightly, struggling and pushing out of his arms until he let her go. “I’m capable of getting us anywhere we need to go.” Grabbing Shaya’s hand, she led her from the room.

Elion followed them. “How? You are aware that traveling in a carriage will not take you anywhere that Malloron cannot reach you?”

Kyus didn’t answer, and Shaya shrugged at him apologetically as she was led from the room. Kyus took her to the back of the house, to the pathway that led to her gardens, before stopping, holding Shaya’s hand tight.

Elion stopped and watched her carefully, the confusion on his face clear.

Kyus took a deep breath, and as she exhaled, magic began to weave before them. Abundant colorful, vivid strands of magic materialized into an intricate pattern, stretching and expanding into a shimmery oval portal that hovered before them.

“Ready?” Kyus said to Shaya.

“Did you do this?” Elion said in amazement to Kyus. “Are you a Talent-crafter? How can you manipulate magic?”

Kyus shot him a glance but didn’t respond and Elion’s shock morphed into a guarded expression.

Shaya wanted to say something to them both, but what could she possibly say to try to bridge the gap between them. It was strange to see them so disconnected, and it was completely unexpected considering she had taken steps to stop it from happening.

But before she could figure out what to say, Elion grabbed Kyus, lifting her into his arms again, and before she could protest, kissed her long and hard.

“You will stay alive,” he ordered when he pulled away, a fierce look in his gaze. “We have not yet discussed things properly, Kyus.”

“There’s nothing to discuss,” Kyus said breathlessly, but Shaya noticed the way she was looking at him.

“There is everything to discuss,” Elion said firmly. “I have given you plenty of time to yourself and now you are running away from me. I knew I should have been firmer with you.”

“This isn’t about you!”

“I’ll try to keep them distracted at the castle,” Elion said, ignoring her. “Stay alive until I can come and find you.” He paused for a moment. “And no man is to touch you. You’re still going to be my wife.”

Kyus scowled but he kissed her again, this time slipping his arms around her so she was engulfed by him and unable to move. Shaya looked away to give them some privacy, noting that Kyus wasn’t exactly wailing to be freed. Joy and relief embraced her that there was hope for them both. Kyus may say she didn’t want Elion but she seemed as affected by him as Shaya was by Kardos.

And in that moment a sharp desperation to have Kardos with his arms around her, tore through her so strongly, she swayed on her feet. Suddenly she wished she could just be with him without the pressure of the high chief’s seat—that they could roam the islands on his tobo with only each other and the sled pack for company. But she knew that was a childish thought. Kardos was who he was. Even without the strive for the seat, it was unlikely he would treat her any better.

But she could dream.

Kyus’ hand finally slipped into hers and she turned to see her sister looking flushed and almost giddy. Shaya grinned, but Kyus simply glowered. “Not a word,” she mumbled, taking a breath and fixing her hair and clothing. “Are you ready?”

Shaya quickly sobered and nodded.

Kyus led her to the shimmering portal and they both walked through. With one step, she traveled across to the other side of the known Lands, and far away from the Alpha coming to reclaim her.


When the pulse in the bond arrived again, she was glad for it. She kissed Kardos back just as hungrily as he kissed her, grumbling in complaint when he pulled away.

His blue-green eyes examined her, and once again he frowned. “Tell me why you are upset.”

“I-I’m not.”