Page 32 of Own to Obey

Shaya mumbled in her sleep and he pressed her closer to him, securing her against his body. Her Haze had been incredible. Her scent had developed to a degree that made him mad with desire. It was almost all he could do to take it slow, remembering that he had to make sure she felt good on his cock. And that was the second indication that the potion had not completely disabled her block. The first indication was the fact that although her eyes had turned golden—the infamous golden sight an Omega developed in her Haze—they had not been fully gold. Hers had been more of a tinge to her beautiful brown than completely gold as it was supposed to be. He hoped that it meant she would not be pregnant from him knotting her so many times. He shouldn't have done it, but he had been unable to control the urge; it didn't even factor into his thoughts, and that was highly unusual. He would have to speak to Rozalia about it, no doubt after she berated him for his behavior last night.

Shaya stirred—the heat of his body seeming to disturb her sleep. She pushed against him, but he held her fast, nuzzling his face into the top of her head and into her soft hair. He didn't even want to think about the fact that they would be arriving on his Land soon and that everything would change. He still had nearly two weeks and he would use them to the best of his advantage.

When she finally awoke he took her three more times, spurting around her neck and on her breasts, and then knotting her yet again. Even though she was out of her Haze, she was still as responsive, and he found that he was as desperate for her the way he had been in his rut.

When he left the room, he told her in Mayaros that she must not leave, and although she may not have understood the words, she knew the meaning. She promised him vehemently that she would not be leaving the room until he returned.

The first stop he made was to Rozalia, who simply stood in the middle of her cabin and glared at him.

“It was out of my control,” he mumbled.

“That is the best you can do?” Rozalia said, her hands on her hips, her face contorted in both a scowl and a frown.

“I apologize,” Kardos said dipping his head.

She stood glaring at him for a long moment, and then dropped her hands. “I hope you realize what your actions last night meant.”

Kardos nodded. “I will speak to the tribe today.”

“And the Omega? How is she? Did she survive your anger last night?” Each word was spat out in annoyance.

Kardos sighed. Rozalia usually forgave his temper, for it was so rare for him to display it in such a raw and heightened way, but it was clear that this situation would not be easily forgotten. “She is well,” he said. “She is resting in my cabin.”

Rozalia nodded. “Did the potion work?”

“It did. Although her eyes did not turn fully golden, so I assume it didn't work all the way.”

Rozalia pursed her lips thoughtfully. “It could potentially be that the potion thinned the blocks, dulling their effects. What was she like this morning?”

“Much the same, although her scent isn’t as strong.”

Rozalia nodded. “And what did you hope to achieve by doing that?”

Kardos frowned. “What do you mean? I told you the reason why I wanted the potion.”

“And was it worth it?” she asked. “Was it worth mating an Omega that you will never have?”

Kardos bristled. “What is the purpose of that question?”

“You were wild last night, Kardos,” Rozalia said sharply. “Wild. It was almost as though you had already entered a rut, and she hadn't even taken any potion yet. You behaved as though she wasyourOmega, like she belongs to you and no one else was to touch or even look upon her. It is completely against all behaviors that you have displayed before. You share women as though you are sharing meals. And yet this one, the one you cannot have, you are ready to tear the whole ship down for,” she said, continuing to glare at him. “I ask you, was it worth it?”

Kardos clenched his teeth. He couldn't deny that every word she said was correct, but he hadn't been able to help it, surely she should realize that. And yes, Shaya was fucking worth it. “If I seemed like I was in a rut,” he began evenly, “then why do you believe I was able to help it? Do you think I was just putting it on for the sake of a little drama for the ship? Do you think I would risk losing the favor of my tribe? It could not be helped.”

“And that is the most worrisome part of it,” Rozalia said, lifting a finger. “How do you hope to give her up, if you cannot even control the idea that another may want her, that another may touch her?”

“I will abide by whatever the high chief decides,” Kardos returned, stiffly. “I will have to.”

Rozalia shook her head and turned away grumbling. He thought he heard the words “idiot Alpha” among her mumbling but decided to ignore it. Maybe she was right. Maybe he wasn't facing the fact that Shaya wouldn't be his, but the needs of the Isles were more important than the needs of one sole Alpha. But even as the thought ran through his mind, an uncomfortable feeling twisted in his chest. The idea of another man touching Shaya, pleasuring her, having her at his mercy, did not sit well with him at all. He felt sure that those feelings would fade once he was in front of the high chief, once he was blessed by Az Eshra for bringing such a rare beauty to the people of the Southern Isles. Once he was able to reach the heights that he was supposed to always reach, he would accept it was the right thing to do.

“When do you plan to tell the rest of the tribe?” Rozalia asked.

“I will ask Zolt to set it up for midday,” Kardos said. “I will address them in the hall.”

“And how will you justify not telling them before?”

“I do not have to justify it,” he snapped, tired of this line of questioning from both her and Zolt. “She is an Omega, not some common tribe daughter. I chose to do what I thought best, and that has kept her safe as far as I'm concerned.”

Rozalia’s nostrils flared, but he didn't wait to hear anything more she had to say.