The shinno replied in Mayaros in a clipped and annoyed tone.
There was silence and then some shuffling sounds.
After a long moment, the shinno’s body jerked slightly and he spun around and walked back the way he came.
Shaya remained as still as possible, listening to his breathing and hoping he would walk long enough to calm down by the time they got back to her cabin.
Unfortunately it wasn’t long enough.
A hard wall hit her back as he pulled her off him and held her against it by her shoulder and hip. Her eyes widened as she saw the rage in his eyes. He spoke harsh, his voice bellowing and loud, with a growl at the end of every sentence. Fury radiated off him so strongly that she cowered, succumbing to the fear that was already flooding her, and almost choking her from his clear anger. He held her tightly against the wall as he yelled at her, and to her horror, her nipples began to harden. This always seemed to happen at the wrong time, especially when he was annoyed with her. But she didn't have time to think about it right now.
Abruptly, he pulled her from the wall, flung her down on the bed, and climbed over her.
Grabbing her jaw, he lowered his face, his blue-green eyes wilder and more turbulent than any ocean. “Did he touch you?” he growled in the Common Tongue.
In her shock, Shaya didn’t know how to answer. What was he talking about?
“Did hefuckingtouch you, Shaya!” he bellowed.
“Who?” she breathed, her voice so small against his.
His eyes flashed. “The Alpha that had his hand up your tunic when I entered the room.”
Oh,” she said, confused. “He touched my leg. He hadn’t reached…”
“Your pussy.” The shinno’s jaw clenched.
“No, he didn’t touch… my… pussy.”
He released her face and yanked off the stopper on a small potion bottle he pulled from his pocket. Squeezing her cheeks together, he forced her mouth open and poured the liquid in.
Unprepared, Shaya choked and spluttered as the liquid slid down her throat, warming her chest as it entered.
The shinno tore her tunic down the middle and ripped it off her, exposing her aroused nipples to him, and began roaring again in Mayaros, hard and angry, his deep voice vibrating through her chest like the heavy, low instrument that had been playing in the hall.
For the first time, she saw him for what he truly was. A wild, untamed, animistic Alpha—raw and natural, just like the ocean. Although she was terrified, she couldn’t help but admire him, and to her surprise, she desired him in this state. Strongly.
“Shinno Kardos,” she said, trying to speak calmly. “I'm sorry.”
He abruptly stopped speaking, his breath heavy as his strange eyes glared at her.
“I'm sorry for leaving my room,” she said, her voice almost breaking. “I know you told me that I wasn't allowed to leave. But I was in there all day. I… struggled with that. Treska did not come to see me. You… did not come to see me. I struggled. I'm sorry. I was looking for somewhere to see the ocean and I got lost.”
“That is no excuse, Shaya,” he said, in the Common Tongue, the grit in his voice causing a tingle between her legs. “You seem to think that the rules do not apply to you. You did not eventryto stay in there for one day. You took the decision to leave the room, knowing that you had no idea where the fuck you were going!” The end of the sentence ended in a bellow, and Shaya cowered against it as though it would hurt her. But it wasn’t his volume—it was something else in his tone that she’s didn’t like. “I thought that we had established an understanding,” he said, his voice lowering again to a growl. “But when you saw me, you didn’t even wait in the hall, you ran! It is clear that you have no discipline on yourself. Regardless of what fever you suffer, discipline is necessary at all times. You must learn it. Do you have any idea of the potential danger you could have been in today? If they had discovered what you were…”
His voice faltered as his face contorted and he shot up on both knees, letting out a raging roar to the ceiling that rebounded off the room’s walls and shuddered and twisted deep into her core.
She was unable to stop the tears falling. When he said it like that, it seemed to make so much sense. Maybe she could have waited if she tried harder. She hadn't thought about the danger; she simply wanted the ocean. She hadn't been able to be away from it even for one day, but what if where they were going she wasn't able to have any form of natural environment? What if she was locked away for days on end? She would have to find a way to deal with it. Since she had decided to come, and handle anything, she should have been able to try to handle that.
Instead she had put herself in a situation that could have been dangerous for her and angered him in the process.
She suddenly noticed him removing his shirt as he glared down at her, and then he was unbuckling his pants. Before she could even find the words to beg him to stop what he was doing—clearly he wanted to punish her—his cock sprang out, thick, heavy, and swaying.
Along with it came the most gorgeous scent. She had experienced it before whenever she was close to his cock, but now it seemed magnified; strong, potent and layered. It almost made her mouth water, it was so good. She frowned, wondering why, and then all thought went out of her head as the shinno leaned over her on all fours, trapping her in.
She was surrounded by him, and for some reason his incredible scent dominated the air. And it wasn't just the scent of Alpha that intrigued her, it was also his fury, his dominance, the look in his eyes that told her he owned her, the scent of his cock, of the fluid smeared on the tip just for her. And suddenly the need for him to touch her rippled through her so strong, she began to push her hard nipples up and whine, wondering why it wasn't happening already.
When she looked up at the shinno, those beautiful eyes were locked on to hers, examining her face and her eyes. But nothing that he was seeing could be as beautiful as him.