Page 26 of Own to Obey

“Why? Because of Anata? It was only one incident.”

“It doesn't matter how,” Kardos scowled. “I just need her existence to remain completely hidden.” He locked eyes with Zolt. “Can you do that or not?”

Zolt inclined his head. “Of course I can, but I must remind you of what you already know, my shinno; nothing stays secret in a tribe for long.”



Shaya didn’t like the new cabin. It felt too… grand for her. It was almost as though she was supposed to be somebody who belonged in that kind of environment, somebody who needed polished door handles and intricately decorated furniture. On top of that, items kept appearing in her room—from jewelry to decorate her head and hair, to adornments for her forearms and neck like what the shinno had, to items that could be used in the room to store things, such as little boxes and ornaments. She didn't want any of it.

The fact that the room was bigger and had two windows were the only things she did like about it. She didn't need to pace as long, or as often, to satisfy the pressure that rose from her from being inside all the time, and of course the shinno was still taking her to see the ocean, accompanied with his attentions that left her sweaty, drowsy, and in an utterly peaceful bliss.

She found that she actually enjoyed being tested on what she knew about the Southern Isles, but she suspected it was because she liked getting information and facts right.

Treska would grin and clap whenever she remembered the right words to use and pronounced them correctly. Mayaros was unlike any other language she had learned before. Some of the words did not match up to the way in which she spoke the Common Tongue, they were switched around and seem to also turn back to front, but she didn't know why. All languages she learned had rules, but because Treska couldn't explain things to her fully, she didn't understand the rules of this language, and that was frustrating at times.

A couple of days after moving into the new cabin, Treska was packing up after their lesson and Shaya stared at a page of her notes, realizing there was something she didn’t understand. “What is Az Eshra?”

Treska slowed her actions as she thought for a moment, but shook her head when she came up blank. Checking her little notebook, she still couldn’t find anything.

Shaya watched her become more frustrated. This Az Eshra was mentioned a lot when it came to Southern culture, how could she not be able to explain them?

Finally, Treska seemed to have an idea. She held up one palm looked pointedly at Shaya. “Man.”

Shaya nodded her understanding.

She held up the other palm. “Woman.”

Shaya nodded.

Treska wriggled the first hand. “Alpha.” Then wriggled the second. “Omega.” She clasped her hands together. “Az Eshra.”

Shaya pursed her lips. “They live in the Southern Isles?”

“They live everywhere.”

Shaya thought on it for a moment and then nodded. Kyus had told her that some cultures believed in spirits or worshiped nature in some form; she used to always tease Shaya about worshiping her “garden spirits.” Perhaps Az Eshra was an Alpha/Omega spirit that was important to the Southern Lands.

As she prepared to leave, Treska said, “No learning tomorrow. Rest.”

Shaya placed down the parchment she was making notes on. “You're not coming tomorrow?”

Treska shook her head. “Everyone has break tomorrow. You must too.”

“Oh.” Shaya wasn’t sure what to say about that. She was enjoying having Treska for company, even if it was to learn about Southern Lands culture. “How long is the break for?”

Treska held up two fingers. Two days.

“You're not coming for two days?” Shaya was unable to help the note of panic that entered her tone. She would have no real company for two days. Even though she spent a lot of time on her own back home, it was never in an environment like this, a closed cabin with windows.

Treska made her way back to her and took her hands. “You work hard, Shaya,” she said softly, smiling at her. “You deserve rest.”

Shaya smiled back at her, but she said nothing, afraid that Treska would feel obliged to spend her own time to rest with Shaya. Because it wasn't Shaya that truly needed the break, it was Treska. She had worked damn hard since the moment Shaya met her, and tried her hardest to make things easier for her. If she wanted a break, Shaya was not going to get in the way of that.

“Thank you,” she said. “So I will see you in three days?”

Treska nodded. “My ma will visit.”