Kardos scoffed. “It is very likely what he will do. And I need her to be aware, and comfortable about the culture before he makes any decisions.”
Rozalia nodded, sinking down into a chair as she thought. “I understand.” She glanced up. “How is she taking it?”
“Her body is not as strong as most of the women of the tribe. She damages easily and struggles with physical work.”
The woman nodded. “That is to be expected. And probably a good thing.”
Kardos frowned at her words. “A good thing?”
“Yes,” she said simply. “An Omega is not supposed to have the body of a Beta. She is supposed to be more delicate.”
“But what about the conditions of our land? If she is too delicate she cannot survive it.”
Rozalia inclined her head. “There is some truth to that,” she said. “But from what I remember, Omegas were always with their Alphas in the Southern Lands. There is usually never any need for them to be battling the conditions on their own.”
Kardos was quiet for a moment as he digested that. Of course, that made sense. He had completely overlooked that part of it.
“What about her training of our culture?” Rozalia asked, interrupting his thoughts. “Is she accepting it? I cannot believe that she would willingly want to come to our Lands to be the only Omega.”
“She refused to learn about our lands for a long time, but has made some headway. Treska said she has memorized the names of the isles and the tribes, and learned small phrases in Mayaros.”
“Treska.” The woman shot him a disapproving look. “So that is why I have not seen my daughter for practically the whole time that we have been on this journey back home. I assumed she was working on the fuel deck.”
“You know she is not suitable for the fuel deck, but I was assuming she was coming to see you at least.”
Rozalia brushed his words away with a swipe of her hand. “I’m working hard on the potions for the new bondmaids. Whenever I have a break, she is working. But it is of no importance. I know whatever she is doing, she is doing it well.”
Kardos couldn't help the growl that came out of him. “She has formed an attachment to the Omega. I had to threaten her with the box-cabin for withholding information from me.”
Rozalia stilled. “Did she end up inside it?”
“Only for a few moments. The Omega pleaded for her to be released. She promised to learn if Treska was freed.”
The woman nodded, but Kardos could see her body relaxing in relief. “I like this Omega already.”
“I need you to start working on a potion for her.”
The woman glanced up at him. “Like what?”
Kardos took a breath, trying to order his thoughts. “During my research on Omegas, I heard a rumor that they had returned to the Eastern Lands.”
“Yes, it is a rumor that has made its rounds across all the Isles. Everybody laughed it off.”
Indeed they would. Everyone assumed that if Omegas were to return, it would be to the Southern Isles first. “It is not a rumor,” Kardos said, grimly. “Apparently Omegas exist in abundance, but they hide themselves using magic.”
“Why,” Rozalia asked bewildered. “What is the purpose of that?”
“I am not sure yet,” Kardos admitted. “I have been unable to find a reason for this, but I am sure that there are none hidden in the Southern Isles. As you say, an Omega would not be able to survive our Lands without being with an Alpha. Any Omega that tried, would likely not survive.”
Rozalia nodded thoughtfully.
“The way they hide themselves is to place blocks on their Omega signals, such as their scent and their Haze, and disguise as Betas.”
Rozalia looked bewildered. “Block… How?”
Kardos shrugged. “It is a magical thing. Through use of spells and magical energy, I assume.”
Rozalia scowled. “I am glad that magic is not something we use extensively in our lands. It's a dangerous power that has too much potential to pervert the natural law.”