He meets my gaze, and his lips curve up, but he doesn’t reply.

“Elora said she thought that Ginger initiated the affair.”

He drops his gaze to his plate and fiddles with the bread roll. “That’s true.”

I hesitate, but I need to know. “Do you regret not fighting for her?”

He looks startled. “No. Not at all. I was glad when it ended.”


He finishes eating the roll and reaches for another. “You know what it’s like when you get caught up in someone, and they’re all you can think about—you get obsessed, possessed, even, for a while.”

“Not really,” I say wistfully.

He pauses and glances at me, then continues to butter his roll. “The forbidden nature of it, the secrecy—I loathed it and found it exciting at the same time. For a few months, she was all I could think about. But it was like a Pavlova dessert. Attractive on the surface, but it was all air and hollow inside. Insubstantial once you got past the desire. Not what I wanted at all.” He frowns at some memory and munches his roll, looking out of the window.

“Whatdoyou want?” I ask, genuinely curious. “Long term, I mean? Would you like to get married and have kids? Or do you want to run a mile at the thought?”

“If I meet someone, I’d like to travel a bit more with her first. Have some fun. But yeah, I’d like to settle down eventually. I’m not sure that’s in the cards for me, though.”

I open my mouth to reply, then stop as Rob comes back to collect our plates. I wait until he’s delivered the next course—a mouthwatering spectrum of color with the pink salmon, the yellow butter sauce, the green asparagus, and the brown and crispy roasted potatoes—and watch him withdraw before I add, “Why do you say that?”

Fraser shrugs. “Girls don’t get me.”

“Aw,” I scoff, adding a little salt, “now I know you’re teasing me. You’re tall, incredibly smart, ambitious, rich, and handsome. What more could any girl want?” I add some pepperto my meal, then look up to see if he wants the pepper grinder and find his blue eyes studying me. “What?”

“That was a nice thing to say.”

I blush. “I meant it. Every girl secretly loves Indiana Jones.”

“Actually, most women seem to find him dull and boring.”

“You? Dull?” I laugh. “You’re the most interesting guy I know!”

He gives me a beautiful smile. Then it fades, and he points his fork at me. “Stop it.”

“I’m just saying…”

“Work c-colleagues,” he mumbles, cutting into his food. “Out of bounds. Must stay p-professional.” He throws his food a glare, then concentrates on his meal.

Excitement swells inside me. He’s having trouble keeping his distance from me. He really does like me.

But then my heart subsides like a falling leaf drifting to the ground. He had to choose between Ginger and his job, and he chose his job, even though he was obviously very attracted to her. There’s no reason to believe he wouldn’t make the same decision if he had to do the same with me. Of course he would. I’m hardly going to be prettier or more interesting than Ginger.

Nothing is ever going to happen between us. I know it won’t, because he won’t let it. He’s been badly burned, and he’ll never go anywhere near the flames again.

No, I need to concentrate on the fact that this is a business trip, or I’m going to get my heart broken, and that’s the last thing I need right now.

Chapter Seven


When we land, we find a taxi, which takes us to our hotel on Papamoa Beach. It’s a little way out from Tauranga city center, but I asked Louise to find us something near the sea, and she’s certainly done us proud. The Waterfront is a five-star establishment with an impressive frontage that overlooks the Pacific. Louise has booked us into two executive king rooms, and after we’ve checked in, the porter takes us out and along the walkway. He unlocks the first door and takes Hallie’s case in, and we follow him inside.

I look around, pleased at the choice. The water is so close it almost looks as if you could step out of the sliding windows into it, although there is a deck outside. The room is large and airy, full of sunshine. A comfortable suite sits near the windows, and the bed is king-size with a pretty blue coverlet. The bathroom is Italian inspired, all white and gray marble, with a big shower and a spa bath.

“Very nice,” I say to the porter, and look at Hallie. “Is it okay for you?”