Diem watched out the window as they twisted through the mountainside. She didn’t know for sure if Gideon was taking her to Kirin’s house or planning to drop her in the woods. Her heart was still racing from the attack.
The past couple of weeks flashed through her mind. She couldn’t imagine what she’d done to make those men come after her. Diem had covered her tracks as she looked for her sister.
Someone wanted her dead, and she’d left the tracker in her arm. How could I be so dumb as to not remove the device? Whoever was still running Kael’s labs would know her movements and every place she went. And now she had to rely on the family who hated her.
“You know, I was happy sitting in my study, reading ancient books about history,” Gideon grumbled as he made a left turn.
“Maybe if you’d contacted me a few days ago, we wouldn’t be heading to Kirin’s house.”
“I figured you would’ve given up and enjoyed your new creature.”
She didn’t even know how to reply to that statement.
He continued. “No matter if you’d come the other day or today, we would still need Kirin’s help.”
“I thought you would have enough connections to help get my sister back.”
He shrugged. “It’s not only about connections. He’s worked the case since he took over the West Virginia council. Kirin and his brothers are up-to-date on everything. They also have Alida.”
“You forgot to mention the human scientist they have. She doesn’t like me.”
“Kirin and his family are good people. Even if they don’t like you, they will help, especially if you think another lab is still open. Last time I talked to Kirin, he was sure they’d found them all.”
“Do you believe me?” she replied with an arched brow. “Because if you don’t, you can pull over, and I’ll figure this out on my own.”
“Stop being so dramatic. You weren’t the one pulled away from lying around the house.”
“Are you going to spend this whole mission grumbling about not wanting to leave your house?” she asked, feeling defeated. It wasn’t only that she wanted his help—her dragon wanted to be around him.
“Honestly, I’m not sure why you want my help. But since I might not have a house or books anymore, the mission to find your sister is all I’ve got at the moment.” He glanced in her direction.
She’d forgotten about the explosion. “I didn’t know someone would try to blow up your house.” She let out a sigh.
“It was just a house. Your dragon was beautiful, and your shift was quick. Why are you having struggles with your dragon?”
“The dragon demands things in my head and tries to push forward.”
“I need more of an example. What does your dragon push for?” He turned down a gravel road.
“The dragon wanted to demand that you leave the bar with me that night. When you didn’t, she pushed, and I shifted every night, and we flew over your house. I wanted to wait a couple more days to ask for your help, but I couldn’t deny my dragon any longer. My skin began to burn.”
“Did you have this pull before the bar?” he asked. When she nodded, he pinched the bridge of his nose.
She wondered if he’d seen her flying over his house at night. “Does this pull mean anything?” Once again, shifting-for-Dummies books—or someone to explain everything to her—would have been helpful.
“It could.” His lips turned down. “Lucy can tell us more.”
“The pint-sized human loves to poke me with needles,” she huffed. “If someone would tell me why my dragon is so crazy, it might help.” And why I feel so calm when I sit next to Gideon. Her dragon practically purred in her head.
He cast her a glance as he stopped in front of a mountain. “I have an idea, but I think your dragon is confused.”
“You think my dragon is confused, but you’re the one who pulled up to a dead end.”
“It’s not a dead end.”