“I might take you up on the offer. You gave me my memories back. I remember more about the shifter world. I’m pretty sure you mated, but do you plan to have a wedding?”

He hadn’t even thought about it. “If Diem wants a wedding, then yes.”

“We have so much going on. If we do, it won’t be for a while,” Diem said.

“You mean, you have to wait until your sister isn’t crazy?” Kayda snarled. A little smoke came out of her nose. She was close to a shift and needed to get her anger under control.

Diem must have been at her wit’s end. She said, “Kayda, you need to take the stick out of your ass. Yes, it sucks that you were turned into a dragon and not asked if you wanted that. Well, I wasn’t asked either. But nobody in this room put the needle in your arm, and if you keep acting like a bitch, nobody is going to want to be around you. I’m surprised Arrow hasn’t thrown his hands up and left.” Diem took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean that, Kayda.”

“Yes, you did. It was the first time you were actually real with me since this happened. I don’t know why I came along today. I’m not ready for this.”

She shoved the chair back and stormed out of the room.

“Kayda…” Diem started to get out of her chair.

“Stay and spend time with your mom. Let me go talk her down.” Arrow stood and walked out of the room after Kayda.

“She’s having…” Diem trailed off.

“It’s okay,” Catharine said. “She needs time. Maybe this is all too soon, but I wanted to see you.”

“And I wanted to see you.”

For the next hour, Diem and her mom chatted about everything. Gideon still couldn’t believe how lucky he was. His phone vibrated. Arrow sent him a text letting him know he and Kayda were going to find another way back.

Arrow had his hands full. But Gideon knew it would work out, not because he saw the future but because Alida had said Arrow would find his mate, and he had a feeling it was Kayda.

On the drive back home, Diem smiled over at him. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me, angel. I would do anything for you.”

“I know, and that’s why I love you!”

“I love you too.” He was the luckiest man alive.

* * *


He unlocked his apartment door and didn’t need to see her to know she was in his home. It was where she came to hide. The problem was, she didn’t want to talk about what was going on. She only used him so she would have a getaway place. His wolf wanted to be near her, and the way she pushed him away bothered him, but she was hurting.

Diem and Gideon had tried to help her, and it hadn’t worked. He had an idea of what might work. It was a long shot, but after three months of her being rude, it had to stop.

He grabbed a beer from the fridge and walked to the back patio. She was staring off into the mountains. Arrow was well aware he shouldn’t poke the dragon, but it was time someone did something.

“Hey, Arrow,” she said, not looking at him. “I’ll leave soon.”

His eyes went to the spot she was staring at, and he tried to figure out what thought she was lost in. He wished she would talk to someone. “You don’t have to leave,” he informed her.

“If I don’t get back soon, Diem will send out a search party for her lost dog.”

Diem had sent Gideon to his house, looking for Kayda. It had been two months before, and she was still complaining about it. There were many times Arrow had come home and knew Kayda had been at his place. She would come almost every day while he wasn’t there.

“How about I throw some steaks on the grill and we eat dinner?”

“Do you have some of that potato salad left?” she asked.

He knew it was one of her favorite things and made sure to always keep it stocked in the fridge. “Yes. I might even have some chocolate cake in the fridge for dessert.”