The pain was getting worse by the second. His vision was getting cloudy.

“That could be a sign it’s working.”

“Did you just experiment on me and say it could be a sign?” He didn’t mean to yell, but Diem was counting on him, and his vision was fading fast.

Kia growled, but Gideon couldn’t even see him anymore. The room went completely black, and he bent over and screamed. The pain in his head intensified for a few more seconds.

Nobody said a word. He worried his hearing was gone until Lucy said his name. “Gideon?”

“Yes,” he grumbled.

“Ah, thank God you didn’t die.”

He slowly opened his eyes and stared at the little pregnant human. “There was a chance I would die?”

“Well… when I was researching your blood the other day, Kirin mentioned you were immortal. So I don’t think there was a chance you could have died.”

He was about to say something when a memory came back. Darius and Kael fighting in a lab. He couldn’t make out what they were saying. The harder he tried to hear, the more his head throbbed. A light hand brushed his arm, pulling him out of the memory.

“I almost had something,” he said.

Lucy let out a sigh. “You can’t force the memory.”

“How would you know? A second ago, you didn’t even know if it would work.”

The memory was the key. He had a feeling deep down that this would help lead them to Diem.

“What did you see?” Kirin asked.

“It was a lab, but not one I recognize.”

Kia tapped his finger on the table. “Why don’t we have Nyx come, and she can project the image? That way, we can all see. Maybe one of us will know where the place is.”

Gideon hadn’t seen Nyx since the day Kael killed Conley. Pandora was the only reason Conley was alive now. He wasn’t sure how Pandora had brought someone back from the dead, but he knew that type of magic had a cost.

He was still lost in thought when Nyx and Conley walked into the lab. Conley kept a protective arm around Nyx. He didn’t blame Kia’s younger brother.

Nyx broke away from Conley and walked to his side. She didn’t have the same scowl Conley had. She smiled down at him, a genuine smile. “Hi, Gideon.”

“Hello, Nyx.”

“I’m sure you already know this, but you should only think about what you want me to project. I will try not to project anything you wouldn’t want someone to see.”

He glared at her. “I don’t have anything to hide.”

Her lip ticked up. “I’m not saying you have something to hide. But if Diem is on your mind, and you slip to a private moment, this might turn into a very awkward encounter. Just trying to keep everything somewhat PG.”

His head still hurt, and he hoped he could control his thoughts. If any of the men saw Diem naked, he would have to kill them. Even if it was from his own damn mind.

“Ready?” Nyx asked.

He nodded, and she took off her glove and placed her hand on his arm. The image of the lab flashed on the wall. In the background, Kael and Darius argued. Nothing looked familiar. He couldn’t pinpoint where it was.

The image was flickering in and out. The memory wasn’t complete. He tried to figure out what had happened next, but Nyx’s projection went blank.

“Maybe if Lucy gives me more of that stuff, my memories will come back.”

Kia was typing on his tablet. “I don’t think we need it. There was a company logo in the background. I’ve seen it before. They have a lab, and it’s not that far from here.”

Gideon stood and walked over to Kia and watched his fingers fly across the screen. He didn’t know how Kia was reading so fast. “Found it. Let’s head to my office, and I can pull up the surveillance footage.”

He followed the three brothers down the hall until they got to his office. Kia sat behind the three large monitors. Seconds later, he brought up a screen with an aerial image. The satellite moved over a large warehouse, and at the back entrance was the same black SUV.

“Let’s go,” Gideon said.

“It’s not that simple. We need a plan.”

For the next hour, they worked out every angle. Lucy pointed out the device on the roof—the same one Kael had used to stop shifters from turning.

Gideon had learned years before how to use one. It didn’t mean he liked them. He preferred to rely on his magic, but rescuing Diem was more important.