They were heading down the hall to Kia’s computer room when Lucy’s voice cut through. “I need you to come to the lab for a few tests, Gideon.”
“I feel fine.”
It was a lie, and Kirin would know. The fucker grunted next to him. A test could wait. Finding Diem was the only thing that should be on his mind.
“Men,” she huffed. “How about I make Kia come to the lab, and you guys can do all your planning there, and I can work on you?”
“Will you drop this?”
“No, and I will tell Kia to stop looking until you come to the lab.”
“You’re frustrating.”
She shrugged. “So I’ve been told, but Kirin mentioned you were getting memories back. I want to run a few tests to see if we can help them come back faster. Maybe you could remember something else. A lab we can’t find. Anything.”
If she’d led with that, he would never have complained. He would allow her to stick him with needles if it helped get Diem back, because that was the only thing he cared about.
The trip from the bedroom to the lab was quick. He sat down in the same chair Diem had been in the last time they were in the lab. It was only days earlier, but it felt like a lifetime. Lucy walked over with needles.
Kia entered the lab and pressed a kiss to Lucy’s lips. “What have you found?” he growled.
Kia didn’t sugarcoat anything. He got straight to the point. “Darius had two daughters, twins, with a human. I’m still working on trying to figure out who the human was or where she is. It’s like she disappeared off the face of the earth.”
“Or she’s dead,” Kirin barked. “Darius ruled his clan by killing. I’m still not sure why the council didn’t take him down earlier.”
Because the council was corrupt for years.
Kia continued. “I made a few calls and figured out who the woman was who died the night you saved Diem. It was Darius’s sister. She took the girls and planned to run away with them. But when Darius came home early, he killed three people and threatened more until someone told him where she was.”
Gideon had known Darius was a horrible person, but killing his own sister… What would he do to his own children?
“Did anyone know where their mother is?” Gideon flinched as Lucy pushed the needle into his arm.
“Sorry,” she mumbled.
“One day, he appeared with the girls. Nobody was going to question him or where they came from.”
“So there’s a chance they aren’t his. Maybe he stole them from someone.”
“I thought the same at first,” Kia said. “But Lucy ran Diem’s DNA against Darius, and he is her father. There were no hits for her mother. I even hacked CODIS to see if I could get some type of match. Nothing.”
“So we have to figure out where Darius has—” He glared at Lucy. “What the fuck? Tell someone before you stab them next time.”
“It wasn’t that big of a needle.”
Bullshit.He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a needle that large used on humans before. But it wasn’t the size that hurt—it was the fact that she shoved it all the way to his bone. The needle was still stuck in his arm as he watched her push a clear liquid into this body.
“You going to tell me what the hell you are doing?” Gideon asked.
“I’m working to help you get your memories back. I already told you.”
A dull throb in his head started to intensify. That shouldn’t happen. My body should heal faster, not get worse.
“What is that?” Gideon asked.
Lucy chewed on her lip for a second. “Since the other day, there were changes in your blood. It’s hard to explain without going all nerd, and you wouldn’t understand anyways. In simple terms, I found something that your blood increased. And I think it’s helping fight what is blocking your memories.”
“Is my head supposed to hurt?”