Friends weren’t something she had. As a pilot, she’d been in a male-dominated field. And barely being home enough to connect with anyone, she couldn’t imagine having a friend she would sacrifice her happiness for, but she would go to the ends of the world to try to help her sister.
She didn’t know where the sudden urge to be close to him came from. With a flick of her fingers, she undid her seat belt buckle and climbed onto Gideon’s lap. Not saying anything, he wrapped his arms around her and drew her closer.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s Jasmin’s fault.”
“If I’d kept her happy until the baby was born—”
“Then it might’ve been something else. She was crazy, and I hope she is in jail or dead for what she did. If Arrow blamed you, he wouldn’t have come to West Virginia with you. Maybe it was his way of making sure you didn’t feel all the guilt.”
“The last hundred years, I’ve been a shitty friend to him. I don’t even know what I made him do.”
Gideon still hadn’t dealt with having been controlled for a hundred years.
“Have you talked to him since you got control?” Diem asked.
“He blames himself for not figuring it out sooner.”
“You two both need to stop blaming yourselves and live life. Stop living in the past, and enjoy what is in front of you.”
Gideon moved her so that her knees were on either side of his thighs and held her closer. She felt his hard member against her. “No more talking about my past.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. It wasn’t soft and gentle. His kiss was demanding, and she felt the fire start in her body.
When he pulled back too quickly, she couldn’t help but whimper. “Why did you stop?”
“If I go too much more, I won’t be able to stop myself, and we can’t have sex before the ritual.” He shifted under her, causing his member to push harder against her jeans.
How does the man have so much control? “How would they know?” she asked.
“They would. Now, let’s talk about something that will make my dick go soft.”
She couldn’t help but laugh. For the next few hours, they talked about her sister. She told him stories about how they would spend time together when they were younger.