“Like going to the desert and smoking peyote?”

“Not the desert—more like the beach. The shaman will be with you the whole time. The place you need to go gives you a plant-based medicine.”

I have to do drugs to find my sister. Will I be able to control my dragon with the medications?That was just what the world needed—a high dragon flying around the beach.

“What other option do I have to find her?”

“This is your only option. The place you need to go to is in Costa Rica. There’s a shaman there by the name of Ethno, and he will help you on your journey. Too many things from your past are hidden. You need to uncover your hidden secrets to find your sister.”

“I don’t have secrets.” Diem ground her teeth. “All I want is to have life go back to normal and to find my sister. In my research, I was told you were the best. Now you won’t help me.”

“Right now, you don’t understand, but at the end of your journey, you will have your answers to questions you didn’t even know you needed answers to.”

Diem’s head was pounding. It would take a week to drive all the way from Florida to Costa Rica. She didn’t even have her passport with her.

“I really hate this supernatural shit. Why can’t I go back to being human?”

“The spirits gave me a glimpse of your future. Everything will work out as long as you follow your journey. That man in the other room will be your rock during the hard moments. Lean on him, and you will heal together.”

“Why is everything so hard?” Diem asked.

Emma’s eyes softened, but before she could say anything, Gideon was back at the door. “You get your answers?” His arms flexed against his black T-shirt. The man was too sexy for his own good.

“I’m supposed to go on a spiritual journey.”

“It’s been a long time since I went on one of those.” His lip twitched. “This should be fun.”

The man was crazy. How can he possibly think a spiritual journey will be fun? Sadness washed over her as she thought about her sister waiting for her to come and get her.

“It’s going to take a week to get all the way to Costa Rica.”

“Not if we fly.”

A new wave of worry washed over her. Flying was something she hadn’t been able to do since becoming a dragon. It was something she missed. Her job as a pilot had allowed her to see the world. After Kael was taken down, she tried to go back to work. She told her employer she’d gotten in a car accident and had been in a coma. The council helped forge the documents for her.

But the second she sat in the cockpit, her world changed. The dragon pushed at her skin. It did not like being in a small area. Sweat poured down her face, and she fought herself for the whole six-hour flight. After she landed, she quit and drove back home.

If she couldn’t get on a plane, she would be letting her sister down.