She placed the gem back on the shelf. “I can’t have everything I want.”
Gideon reached over and grabbed the gem. “Let’s pay and get out of here before something happens.”
Diem’s eyes widened. He didn’t answer the question hanging in the air. He reached for her hand, and they walked back out into the common area. Ursula stood behind the counter, watching them with her black eyes. She long ago had sold her soul to the devil. Rumor had it she died a few times, but Lucifer hadn’t wanted to deal with her. So she continued to live on the earth plane.
He set the two gems on the counter.
“I’m willing to do barter for these instead of money,” Ursula said, looking at Diem.
“No,” Gideon said.
Fuck.This wasn’t going to end well. When Ursula had set her sights on someone or something, she wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted. And her current target was Diem. Gideon’s magic was strong enough to take her down, but it didn’t mean they wouldn’t come out unharmed. Diem glanced at him as his magic rolled off him in waves.
“What do you mean, ‘barter’?” Diem asked. “We don’t have anything you would want.”
Gideon pulled his magic to the surface and waited for Ursula to answer.
“All I want is a scale,” she told them in the sweetest voice.
“No!” he ground out.
If someone got ahold of a dragon scale, that person could control the dragon. This was a legend passed down through the ages. He didn’t know if it was true, but there was no way he would let Diem take the chance.
“It’s not your choice, Gideon. It’s hers. You can give me a scale and you can have the gems, or you can leave.”
“I’ll pay you for the gems.”
“One of the things I changed when I took over the shop is all magical items are bought by barter.” Her lip twitched into an evil grin. “I know your dragon wants that gem.”
Fuck.Diem tensed next to them. The only way they were going to get out of the shop was by fighting. Nobody in the spiritual community would be upset if something happened to Ursula. Still, he didn’t want to bring Diem into the fight.
“You know what?” Diem said. “I don’t think I like you very much. Gideon, we can find another store. As for the gem, my dragon couldn't care less.”
Gideon tasted the lie in the air. Her dragon still wanted the gem.
“Doesn’t matter anymore. You’re in my shop, and I want the scale.” Ursula's eyes flashed deep red.
Diem grabbed his hand, and he moved a little to the left, blocking her. The fight was going to happen, no matter what. He reached for the gems and swiped them off the counter before Ursula could grab them.
“Run!” Gideon hissed at Diem.
The stubborn woman didn’t move. She squared her shoulders and stood next to him. Ursula's face twisted, and her hair went from blond to black. Keeping a disguise on took up magic, and Ursula was ready to fight.
“Don’t change,” Gideon ground out. If Diem changed, it would give Ursula a better chance to get what she wanted.
“I can’t help you unless I change,” she pointed out. “And I really want to eat that bitch.”
That bitch was now nine feet tall. Her tentacles reached out for them. Gideon called on his magic and blocked her.
When he touched Diem again, he could feel her fire course through his body. In over a thousand years, he’d never had this reaction when he touched someone. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the ball of fire.
Ursula was building up her magic. It wasn’t something she carried inside of her. She had to work to use it. He took that opportunity to send a bolt of fire at the woman. It knocked her over, and she screamed in pain. If Diem hadn’t been with him, he would have used the opportunity to take Ursula out. There would still be a chance Lucifer wouldn’t take her, but he wanted to get Diem to safety.
He grabbed her hand and ran toward the door. “Get in the passenger side,” Gideon yelled.
Diem didn’t fight him. She let go of his hand, ran to the other side of the car, and got in. He jumped into the driver's side. Ursula burst through her shop door. Black magic flickered from her hands. He didn’t wait to see what she’d planned. Gideon pushed the start button on his car and took off. A blast of magic hit the back of his car, pushing them forward.
He’d put a spell on his vehicles so magic couldn’t penetrate. Some might think he was a little over the top, but after coming out of mind control, he’d upped his security in every aspect of his life.