“This place is so cool.” Diem held a small gem in her hand.
“Let’s look over there.” He pointed to the back door. Shops like this one kept the good things hidden. Gideon could feel the pull of the magic from the back room.
“I think that’s for employees only.” Diem bit her lip as she looked up at him.
“So?” Gideon shrugged. “What we need is back there.”
Ursula would hide her gems in the back.Like she hides her true self.
The woman was pure evil but would have what they needed. Gideon didn’t have time to find another shop. He wished Kirin had mentioned that Ursula ran the shop. He could feel Ursula's eyes on him as he pulled open the back door. Magic hummed around him as he took a step into the small room.
“These don’t look any different from the ones in the main area,” Diem said.
She was right. They looked exactly the same. Yet these were ten times the price. He knew she couldn’t tell the difference between magic stones, but the fairy they were buying it for could, and he could as well.
Gideon picked up a pink gem like the one she held in the other room. “This stone can help boost healing powers.”
“How?” Diem asked.
“Some supernaturals don’t have enough power to do certain spells,” Gideon explained. “If they hold this stone while trying to cast a spell, it will help enhance their powers.”
“Fairies do like trinkets for their gardens, but they love enhanced gems. They can help guide someone without a boost, but they can’t cast a spell.”
“How can we tell what the gems do?”
“I can sense the magic in the stones. Unlike fairies, warlocks don’t need the extra boost.”
Diem picked up a white gem that most would mistake for a diamond. Her delicate fingers wrapped around it, and the small action made Gideon’s dick semihard.
What the hell is wrong with me?
“What can this gem help with?” she asked.
“The clear white gems have the power to heal.”
Some gems he didn’t need to touch to know what they did. Different shades of white and clear were healing stones. The clearer the gem, the more powerful it was. Pink and red ones were linked to fire, blue gems let someone utilize the power of water, green pulled magic from the ground, and black gems were banned. They were the only kind of gem that someone could use to kill a shifter. All other color gems someone had enhanced with magic, and he would need to touch them to figure out their powers.
“What do you think the fairy would want?”
Fairies were close with nature, and when they used magic, they wanted to pull it from the ground. He scanned the small area and pulled out a green gem. “This one.”
Diem’s eyes went back to the pink gem. “Why not that one?”
It didn’t surprise him. She was reaching for the pink gem. Her dragon would want to be close to the fire magic.
And he wanted her to have it. Something deep inside him turned, knowing he might be the person to buy her dragon its first treasure.
“Pink is fire gems. Your dragon doesn’t need it, but from the flicker in your eyes, it wants it.”
He would teach her how to use the gem. They still had eight hours left on the trip. Most stores sold necklaces that would stretch during a shift. If she placed the pink gem around her neck and shifted, Diem would have more control over her fire. It would also burn hotter.
Since they were hunting the people who held her sister, it was a good idea to increase her powers. He wasn’t sure what they were going to come up against.