Page 5 of Undercover Hacker

An image of a man in his late sixties appeared on the projection screen. The gasp next to me had me turning in Sophie’s directing. The color had drained from her face.

“You mother fucker!” Sophie launched from her seat. “You told me he was dead. You said, and I quote, ‘The whole Reapers motorcycle gang is dead, including the president.’ That man does not look dead.” At Sophie declaration, everyone’s attention had swung from the screen to her.

Director Sanchez sighed and sat back in his chair. “You need to keep your temper under control, Red. Our goal is to take down his network. I didn’t need you getting yourself killed when you were a kid. I told you that, when you were old enough, you could go after the individuals that hurt your family. The Reapers have become worthless, and the agency no longer needs them. Who will lead us to your target? Your specialization is hacking, not assassination.”

Sophie mumbled something inaudible under her breath.

“This photo was taken two days ago in, Moscow.” Steve, the senior analyst, went on to explain the intel the agency had received. Steve was small for a man. His brown hair was messy and unkempt. He was the best analyst the CIA had. Sophie and I were lucky to have Steve working on our side. “We think Yermushin is selling something to Russia.”

Sophie leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. “What is Yermushin selling?” Sophie’s voice was raw with emotion.

I already knew what Yermushin was selling. Earlier, the director had said the agency no longer needed him and we could take him down. But the CIA had been trying to take Yermushin into custody for ages. He seemed to slip through our grasp each time. The director’s words contradicted everything I thought I knew.I had been after Yermushin for years. The CIA had a plant in his organization, but the plant couldn’t reveal much without blowing her cover. She would give us tips but never enough to bring him down.

“He’s selling women on the black market. Do we have a date for the next auction?” Director Sanchez asked, his face neutral, not giving any sign of what he was thinking.

Steve reached for the envelope in front of him. He flipped through a couple of pages before responding. “It’s scheduled for next week. We believe it will take place at a fundraiser in New York.”

Before anyone had time to respond, the conference room door swung open. The bright light from the hallway blinded me, so I couldn’t see who stood in the doorway. I could only see two massive shadows.

“Someone forgot to sendmyparty invite,” the more massive silhouette stated matter-of-factly.

Antonio Ross. I would recognize his voice anywhere. It held a hint of a threat. He wasn’t a man of many words, and when he spoke, people either listened or disappeared. He might be out of the military, but the POTUS and the CIA called on him and his company often to fill contracts.

Not waiting for an invitation, Antonio and the person with him headed toward the seats on the other side of Sophie. With a motion of his hand, Antonio waved the two analysts from the chairs. I didn’t recognize his companion. He was tall, blond, and built like a football player. He sat next to Sophie, and I heard him ask whether she was okay. It sounded like genuine concern in his voice.

“I told you to stay out of this.” Director Sanchez rose from his chair and leaned forward on the conference table to get his point across.

Antonio leaned back in the chair he had commandeered from the analyst. “See, that’s where you've always been wrong, Director.” Antonio's voice dripped with hatred. “I don’t take orders from you. My orders come from someone a lot higher than you.” Antonio’s gaze never wavered from the director’s. “Are you saying I need to make that call to be in this meeting? You took someone from my family without cause.”

Sophie went to speak, but the man sitting next to her grabbed her hand and shook his head. The gesture made me want to rip the guy's arm off.

Director Sanchez had a smirk on his face, as if he were about to win a game. “Sophie agreed to work here. This is her and Agent White’s case. I will have you removed from this building if you don’t leave.”

Antonio was known for being one of the best of the hired mercenaries the government used on contract. He was called on by top officials all the time. If the director didn’t want him on this case, it meant he was up to something. There was no way I would let Sophie come to harm. I had only met her this morning, but something deep inside me wanted to protect her from the surrounding people. I had a trump card I could pull on the director. In all the years I had worked for him, I had never used it.

“I don’t mind him working the case with us. If Antonio wants to volunteer, who am I to complain?”

“No!” the director screamed. He reached for the conference room phone and dialed security. Before he hit the last button, I reached over and clicked the line off. I could handle having the director on my bad side. But, Antonio and I went way back, and I didn’t want to make an enemy of him.

It took a second for the director to get his bearings. “Agent White, I will ruin your career.”

I had never taken kindly to being threatened. Most men who had threatened me were six feet under. However, this conference room wasn't the best place in which to kill the director.

I knew the grunt of laughter to my left came from Antonio. He was the one person in the room who had seen me lose my shit before. Needing to get my temper under control, I took a few calming breaths. “Sit down, Director.” I pointed to his chair. “Here is how this will go down. Antonio and his friend will help Sophie and me on this case. Then you will give her the information she needs without her having to work for you for ten more years.” I could hear the anger in my voice. He had played with her life for too many years.

“You can’t speak to me like that.”

“Everyone out.” When the room didn’t clear, I said, “Now!” The analysts scurried out the exit, running each other over. Steve got up to leave with the rest of them, but I caught his eye and pointed to his chair, indicating he should stay.

“Director, I think you forget who I am. I'm an agent because it's what I like to do. I could have your job with one call, so don't push me. Antonio could get the same result with a call. The difference isthat I’ve never made that call before, so I’m sure my brother will do what I ask.”

The blood drained from the director’s face as he remembered who I was. People were so used to working with me that they forgot who I was related to. “You would really drag Zack into this?”

I knew I had him where I wanted him. “Yes, and it’s President Tucker to you.”

“All right, you can use them. But I want to be kept informed about everything at all times!”

“With that out of the way, Agent White, this is Brock McKenzie. He owns Blackwood Security. Steve, please hand him a laptop,” Antonio demanded. When it looked as though the director would protest, Antonio continued. “I’m letting you stay in this room as a courtesy. Steve could get me up to speed without you. If you want to stay, sit and shut up.”