Yermushin cocked his head to the side. “How do you know I placed the hit?”
I motioned my head toward the director. “I know he told you we would kill you for the codes. I know he told you who we were. And I know you were worried about your men getting caught killing the president's brother, so you farmed out the job.”
“This is all interesting information. What makes you think I would remove the hit?”
“Take the thumb drive from my front pocket.”
Sanchez was reaching for his sidearm.
“Watch out,” Antonio yelled.
Yermushin’s men turned their guns on Sanchez.
“I was reaching into my pocket.”
It was a lie. Yermushin could tell he was lying and motioned for his men to keep their weapons trained on Sanchez.
Yermushin plugged the thumb drive into the laptop. The director’s voice came through the speakers. At the sound of his own voice, the director paled.
“You weren’t going to give me the key.” Yermushin was reaching for his gun. “We were going to make millions.”
The statement was untrue. Yermushin was planning on killing Sanchez as soon as he had what he needed. Both men were planning on double-crossing each other.
“I would give you the key.” Sanchez pointed in our direction. “They made that tape up. It’s not true. We would sell the nuke codes to North Korea and each go our separate ways. If I killed you, I’d never get out from under your brother’s finger.”
We had the information we wanted. John and Mia were getting into place. They would take the targets out.
Yermushin gestured to his men. “Kill them, then we will deal with Sanchez.”
“Hey man, we gave you what you needed.”
An evil Russian villain laugh escaped Yermushin’s mouth. “You are no more use to me. Kill them.”
The Russian in the red tracksuit leveled his gun. Antonio threw his body at the Russian, causing him to aim down and shoot me in the leg. Fuck, it hurt. But not as bad as hearing the scream of the woman I cared about.
My heart dropped.
* * *
“Why aren’t you taking the shot?”
Kat had grabbed a bag full of rifles from a storage unit in Manhattan. I was blown away when we walked into the unit. One wall was lined with guns. The other wall was lined with grenade launchers. I never realized how many grenade launchers existed.
She piled enough guns in her bag to go to war. We arrived at the warehouse before anyone else and Kat had set up her mini kill station.
My stomach had dropped when I saw the two Russian thugs with guns pointed at the backs of Antonio and Zane. When the thug in the red tracksuit arched back and hit Zane in the face, I couldn’t take it any longer. If these men didn’t die this night, I would work on destroying their lives electronically.
Kat shifted and leaned on her other knee. “Antonio and Zane are planning something. Hold on.”
We had all the evidence we needed. Yermushin and Sanchez deserved to die, and I wanted their blood painted on the warehouse floor.
Yermushin screamed for his men to kill Antonio and Zane. When I saw the bullet heading for Zane, I couldn’t hold back the scream of anguish. The second it left my mouth, I knew I had made a mistake. Three guns were pointed at us. Zane’s lips were turned down, and his jaw ticked in frustration.
Kat didn’t even wait for the men to fully turn. With a double tap of the trigger, she took down Yermushin and the man in the red tracksuit. The second thug hid behind a crate. Sanchez ducked behind a stack of boxes.
John came around the corner and, with a quick pull of the trigger, took the last thug out. The only person left was Sanchez. He was hiding in the warehouse.