“Did Ihave an option? You know Antoniowillcome after me. Why didn’t you just call me in?”
“You took that option away when you hacked our network. Antonio works for me. I’ll get him to drop his bulldozing. And I tried calling you numerous times. You weren’t answering.”
“Is it hacking when I have access?” I asked. “Sucks when you want something and can’t have it.”
The devil took a sip of Scotch and pointed to the white leather seat next to him. “Those files areclassified. And, I always get my way. You’re here, aren’t you?”
I shrugged. Not wanting to give him any satisfaction, I sat in the seat across from him. “What do you want?”
He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes at my outward disrespect. “It’s time I tell you why I haven’t let you find your sister.”
This is the carrot he always dangled in front of me to keep me in line. I wouldhelp him with his cases. He would give me a little information about my sister. I had looked for the files they had on her. They weren’t on any of the servers. Ihad a feelingthe director kept them in a safe so I couldn’t reach them.
“Is this where you give me a little information so I fall back in line,” I said with disgust in my voice.
“No. This is where I tell you that, if you want to see your sister, you will become a full-time agent and work with Agent White. The case you will be given will lead you to your sister. Do you agree to come work for me for the next ten years?”
If it led to my sister, I would do anything. Agent White was sitting in the chair across from us, watching the exchange. It wouldn’t exactly be a hardship to work with that man.
“Kat and I have been apart for twenty-five years. I’ve worked for you the past twenty. Have you known where she was this entire time and kept her from me? If I don’t find her in the next six months, you have no deal.”
“You’ll find her by then.”
“Then yes, I will take the job.”
An evil grin spread across his face. “Welcome to the CIA, Agent Red.”
I watched Sophie look at Director Sanchez with anger in her eyes. The director was a lean man. He was dressed in a perfectly-ironed black Armani suit and a crisp white shirt. He had one leg crossed over his knee, showing off his new Italian leather shoes. It was obvious that if Sophie didn’t need something from him, she would take him out. There was pure hatred in her eyes.
Director Sanchez always got what he wanted, because he had something over the person he needed a favor from. However, Director Sanchez had nothing on me. I just worked for him. Lately, I’d noticed that he was losing control, and I thought bringing Sophie in was his way of trying to fix one of his mistakes. I would call my brother later today to let him know the CIA Director was up to something. I had a feeling it wasn’t something good.
I didn’t trust the man. I should’ve asked more questions about taking Sophie in. After my last operation, I had needed something easy, and bringing in one woman had seemed easy. Now, I was second guessing that thought.
“No. This is where I tell you that, if you want to see your sister, you will become a full-time agent and work with Agent White,” Sanchez explained. At the sound of my code name, I tuned in more closely to the conversation. In the ten years I had worked for the CIA, I very seldom had a partner. I wondered if my brother was plotting something. I needed to talk to the man more often.
Brad, another agent who was sitting next to me, snorted. He understood that I didn’t work well with others. This mission had been thrown at me this morning. The director had told meto bring Sophie in. I wasn't given any case notes on the op, but they said she knew why she was being taken in. Being around Sophie for the last hour made me realize she was more dangerous than anyone knew.
“When do we start working on the assignment?” Sophie asked.
Director Sanchez leaned back and took another sip of his Scotch. “We’ll head to Langley once we land and get you and Agent White up to speed.”
Sophie tilted her head toward me. “You don’t know what our assignment is?” Since getting on the plane, this was the first time Sophie had acknowledged me. I, on the other hand, had a difficult time peeling my eyes away from her body.
The white leather seat squeaked under me as I leaned forward. “The only thing I was told this morning was to bring you in. I had no idea I was getting a partner.” Hiding the annoyance in my voice was hard. Director Sanchez had had plenty of time to tell me his plans.
Sophie turned back to Director Sanchez and kept talking. It gave me time to study her. She was stunning. Her fiery red hair was up in a messy bun. The freckles on her nose proved she was a natural redhead. She had the prettiest deep-green eyes. Her lips were plump, and all I could think about was having those lips wrapped around my cock.
Fuck. Just looking at her sent my body out of control. All of a sudden, my pants became uncomfortable.
The jerk of the plane hitting the tarmac brought me out of my lust-induced thoughts.
* * *
Six CIA analystssat in the war room at Langley. I grabbed a seat at the front of the room next to the director. Sophie slid into the place next to me. She was shifting in her chair, looking uncomfortable. Before I had time to ask her why, the director started the session.