Page 39 of Undercover Hacker

“No problem. I will seduce Brock. Let’s get you ladies in the air. I called my pilot. He is at the airstrip, ready for you.”

When I stood up, Bridget engulfed me in a hug. “Be safe.”

Before Kat knew what was happening, Bridget had her arms wrapped around my sister. “Take care of her. I’m trusting you with my best friend.”

Ten minutes later, we were slipping out the back door. I couldn’t help but hold my breath for a few seconds, waiting for someone to run after us. No one came. We made it out.Now, to save the men we love.I wasn’t sure where that thought had come from. We were saving my brother-in-law and someone who helped get my sister back.



I took a deep breath. Our plan was working out perfectly. We had received intel earlier that Sanchez put a hit out on us. We were working on two cases at once. Sophie might be mad about us killing the director and Yermushin.

Earlier in the day, we were able to get bugs into the house Yermushin was staying at while he was in New York. Antonio’s company had some of the coolest gadgets. I thought the CIA gave me amazing technology to work with, but it didn’t compare to what Antonio had. We took a drone shaped like a fly with listening and camera tech and flew it into Yermushin’s hideout.

We heard Sanchez give Yermushin a list of the codes on a thumb drive. The codes wouldn’t work without the key digit. Sanchez was delivering the key digit in person. He did give Yermushin all the information needed to do the sale. He doesn’t trust Yermushin not to cut him out. Whoever Yermushin kept talking to on the phone wanted Sanchez killed the second the key was given. And, he was supposed to take out the North Korea operatives coming for the codes.

This was Yermushin’s plan all along—to keep the codes for himself or whoever was on the other side of the phone line. They were expecting us tonight. We would walk in and get captured.

Antonio and I taped wires to our body to get the conversation inside the warehouse on tape. We would let ourselves get taken. Once we had the information we needed, Mia and John would take out the targets.

“Ready to get hit a few times?”

Antonio grinned. “It’s been so long since someone captured me.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Is it really being captured when we walk in?”

“Good point. Let’s go have some fun.” I reached to my ear and tested the com back to Mia and John. Everything was set.

Once this mission was over, I would be on the next flight to Ft. Lauderdale to get my woman back. Antonio and I headed toward the meat-packing warehouse. I could hear voices echoing through the open space.

We didn’t make it past the front door, before a gun was shoved into my back. Antonio was dealing with the same thing. Our plan was working.

“Who are you?” The man's voice was rough with a Russian accent.

“We came to talk to Yermushin. I think we have information he would want to hear.” I held up a thumb drive with the recorded conversation of Sanchez telling Kat to kill Yermushin once the deal was done.

The Russian thugs argued with each other before deciding to take us back to Yermushin. The front of the warehouse was a meat-packaging plant. When we entered the back area, it was full of crates. Each cratewas overflowing with illegal guns.

Sanchez and Yermushin were in the center, standing toe-to-toe, arguing. They would get into an even more heated conversation when we gave him the recording. The goal was for them to take each other out. At the sound of footsteps, Sanchez and Yermushin looked our direction.

“Hey, boss. We found them trying to sneak in.”

The thug hadn’t said we’d tried walking through the front door. If we hadn’t wanted to be found, we wouldn’t have been. Sanchez eyes rounded in surprise. Interesting. He hadn’t expected us to show up.

Yermushin turned toward Sanchez. “Is this your doing?” He pointed in our direction.

Sanchez shook his head. His Italian shoes were tapping on the floor. He was trying to figure out what we were doing. Yermushin motioned for his men to tie us up. We were strapped to two old chairs.

Yermushin was in his late sixties. He had on a black velvet tracksuit with a gold chain hanging down the front. His words were difficult to understand with his thick accent.

“Who sent you?”

When neither of us answered right away, a fist flew in from the side and knocked my head back. Damn, that hurt. I leaned to the side and spit the blood on the floor. Antonio received a punch to the stomach, causing him to lean forward with a grunt.

Like being shot, I thought getting punched hurt more the older I got. When I was younger, I had spent a week in ISIS torture chambers before escaping. One punch from this guy, and my brain was rattling.

“Damn, you don’t have any patience. We brought you something in exchange for removing thehit on us.”