I pulled back slowly, enjoying the look of need on Sophie's face. “I’ll be at Blackwood Security tomorrow night, and we will continue where we left off.”
Sophie turned and walked toward the airplane. Her tight-fitting jeans accented her perfect ass, which had a little extra sway. I knew what she was doing, and it was working. Before she made it to the plane, she turned around and reminded me that I had promised not to take him out.
Once Sophie and the rest of them were on the plane, and I saw the wheels leave the airstrip, I let out a breath I hadn’t even known I was holding. Brock would phone me the second the plane landed in Ft. Lauderdale and everyone was safely locked away at Blackwood Security.
I wasn’t the only one happy they were on their way to safety. When I looked over at Antonio, he seemed to have relaxed a little.
“Ready to go save the world from an attack they have no clue is coming?”
Antonio reached up and scratched his head. “Isn’t that what we always do? People live their lives, not realizing how many times they have come close to being wiped out.”
The smell of bacon and laughter brought me out of my sleep. The last couple of days floated through my mind, with Zane at the center of all my thoughts. Zane was tantalizing and made me want things I wouldn’t ever be able to have. He deserved a woman that could give him the world.
The laughter was getting louder, and I knew it was time to get up and face everyone. I had wanted to stay up and talk with Kat, but it was hard. When we had made it onto the plane, she laid down with Antonio Jr.. He needed his sleep, and we had both been through an emotional roller coaster. The adrenaline was wearing off, and I fell asleep in my chair before the fasten seat belt sign came off.
Mia, one of the operatives that worked for Brock, woke me up when we landed. I hadn’t even woken when the plane hit the airstrip. John had been carrying Kat off the plane, and Asher had had Antonio Jr. in his arms. I should have known he would have been there. Asher was Antonio’s twin and would have done everything to protect Antonio’s wife and child.
I could hear the pitter-patter of footsteps running down the hall. We were staying in one of the apartments above Blackwood Security. The footsteps stopped outside my door, and two crystal-blue eyes peered over the side of the bed. When I rolled over, Antonio Jr. had the largest grin on his face. “Aunty, are you going to get up soon?”
I loved being called “Aunty.” I reached over and pulled him into my arms. The sound of his laughter when I tickled him sounded like angles. My door opened again, and Kat stood there with her hands on her hips. Her long red hair was wet. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a white T-shirt. The smile that spread across her face was pure happiness.
“I told you to let your Aunty sleep.”
“I did, Mom. I waited for a whole fifteen more minutes.”
Kat walked over and grabbed Antonio from my arms. “I meant until she woke up.”
“She's up now, Mom.”
How could I argue with his logic? “I’m up. Let me take a quick shower, and I’ll come out for breakfast.”
Kat took the little man out of the room. He was protesting the whole way, saying I didn’t need to take a shower.
The shower felt amazing and helped me wake up. When I made it out to the kitchen, the apartment was full of people. It brought tears to my eyes, realizing the support team I had behind me and the friends I had made the past few years. I caught sight of Brock out of the corner of my eye. I wanted to ask him if had talked to Zane and how the mission was going.
Brock must have been able to tell I was struggling with asking about Zane because he volunteered the information without my needing to ask.
“They made it to the safe house last night. Antonio patched Zane up. We sent out another team to assist them this morning.”
I needed to stop thinking about the man. Maybe I would if I spent today going over the data I had compiled over the years and tried to figure out what had triggered Sanchez to blow his cover.
“Brock, can I use one of the stations in your office today.” If I were working next to Brock, I would be able to hear any updates about the case and find out anything I needed.
Brock looked like he was struggling with the answer. “Don’t you want to spend the day with Kat?”
The guilt rushed over me. Putting revenge to the side is hard. I wanted to take Sanchez down. I was being selfish, wanting to work instead of spending time with Kat. At the sound of her name, Kat joined the conversation.
She propped herself up on the kitchen counter. “Antonio’s parents are coming over to spend time with Antonio Jr. I can help Sophie go through her data while they are watching him.”
Leave it to my sister to come up with a good plan.I had a feeling she also wanted to know what was happening with the mission. As it was, we would be told only what they wanted us to know. If we were in the room when transmissions came through, they wouldn’t be able to keep the information from us.
Brock didn’t answer right away. He reached for the spatula and flipped a Mickey-Mouse-shaped pancake he was working on. “Stay out of the mission. If you find something that will help, I will take it under an advisement. Otherwise, you need to stay out of the mission going on.”
Kat and I both nodded, but when I looked into her eyes, I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was. We would do whatever we had to in order to protect our men.Wow, where did that come from?I was already calling Zane my man. I had never believed in love at first sight. That was something that happened in fairy tales, not real life.