At the same time of her demand, Brock’s voice came through our earpieces. The duped video feed was running low, and we needed to head out. Reworking the video feed would take too long. John could confirm the men next door were asleep fromthe laced food. They wouldn’t regain consciousness until tomorrow.
Antonio spoke. “We’ll tell you everything, but we are running out of time. I need you to get your stuff so we can leave.”
“I can’t leave. I need to take care of something tomorrow.”
“I lost you once. I will not lose you again. Let's get your things packed and get back to the hotel. We’ll discuss what happens next when we get there.” Antonio was using his authoritative voice on Kat.
Kat stood from the couch and turned her emerald eyes on Antonio. “Do not start with me. I will not put up with your demo—”
Before she could finish yelling, Antonio swooped down and threw Kat over his shoulder. Then he reached down and grabbed his son with his other hand. “Seems my wife has everything she needs. It’s time to head out.”
Antonio turned and headed for the door. Kat was pounding her fist on his back, demanding he put her down. The cute boy in his arms was giggling at his parents’ antics. Those two were perfect for each other.
“I’ll grab some clothes for both of them and be out in two minutes.” Not waiting for Zane’s reply, I headed down the corridor to the bedrooms.
* * *
Once back in the hotel,tension was high. Kat was still mad about being taken without a choice. Antonio Jr. was watching cartoons on the couch. Antonio seemed to always have an eye on his son.
“Is someone going to tell me what’s going on?” Kat demanded.
“Where do you want us to start?”
“The beginning.”
Over the next hour, we told Kat where I had been and that I had been trying to get to her. How Sanchez was our uncle, which she already knew. Then how Sanchez faked Antonio's death and led him to believe she was dead.
By the time the story was done, Kat was sitting on Antonio's lap with his arm wrapped around her waist. In the couple of years I’d known him, this was the most vulnerable I had ever seen the man.
Brock’s face came across the computer screen. He was in his war room, surrounded by his team. His fiancée, Jessica, was sitting next to him. Before he could talk, Jessica chimed in. “Did you know that every year, eleven thousand Americans injure themselves while trying out bizarre sexual positions. That is my PSA for the day. Be safe.”
Whenever Jessica spit out facts that were basically useless, Brock’s face lit up with joy. He enjoyed listening to her.
“I think we have less time than we planned. I was watching the satellite feed on Kat’s house. A couple minutes ago, two cars arrived, and approximately six men headed into her house. They must have been tipped off. It won’t take them long to figure out where you are.”
“Fuck. We need to get you both back to Ft. Lauderdale now.” Zane was pacing back and forth in front of the screen, his hands clenched so tight that his knuckles were turning white.
There was no way I was going to jet off to safety and leave Zane to finish the mission. “I’m not leaving you.”
“We need to figure out what Yermushin and Sanchez are up to at the charity event. I wonder if they are planning the trafficking sale at the charity event,” Zane asked. “Did you forget what I promised my brother? I need to hold true to my word. If you’re with me, I will be worrying about you and not concentrating on the mission. It was hard enough tonight, going on a mission I knew would come out okay. I can’t think about going on this one tomorrow with you there.”
Kat wrung her hands. “I know what they’re planning. That is why I need to stay. I need to stop them tomorrow.”
The room went quiet at Kat’s words, and everyone’s attention was on her. Since we had been back to the hotel, she had been listening to the conversations and not saying much.
“What are they planning Kat? You need to tell me. It’s the only way I can help. Then we can move on with our lives.” Antonio said.
“They're selling nuclear codes to the North Koreans.”
At her words, the room went even quieter. Everyone sat in stunned silence, wondering how the Director of the CIA could be so corrupt.
“Were you helping them?” Antonio asked.
“How dare you accuse me of that? No, and I shouldn’t even have to tell you that! Over the years, I’ve helped Yermushin with contract kills. I didn’t kill any one that didn’t deserve it. Each time I was given a mission, I researched as much as I could and decided how to proceed. I tapped Yermushin’s phone lines a few weeks back and listened to his conversations with Sanchez. They were talking about the exchange. After it was complete, my mission was to take Yermushin out.” Kat was vibrating with anger.
Antonio knew he messed up. “I’m sorry, Kitty Kat. Everything is so fucked up right now. I need you to be safe, or I won’t be able to do my job. You, Sophie, and Antonio Jr. need to head to the airport tonight. We will stay back and make sure the codes don’t get into the wrong hands.”
“I’m a contract killer. Don’t you think my skills would be useful?”