A man stood in front of Bridget with his arms crossed. The black tailored suit fit him perfectly. He was tall, close to six foot five. His hair was dark brown, and his brown eyes looked tormented from years of working for the devil. He was close to losing his temper. He kept pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to stay calm. At least if I was being arrested, it would be by this man. He was hot. Like, panty-dropping hot.
The sexy man pinched his nose one more time before saying, “Ma’am, tell me where Sophie Stewart is before I take you into custody for obstructing justice.”
Bridget walked toward the tall drink of water. Her pink high heels gave her a minor height boost, but the man Bridget was about to go toe-to-toe with still towered over her. I knew I needed to step in before she ended up in federal custody. She had no clue who she was dealing with. I, on the other hand, knew precisely what was going on.
I walked out from around the corner. The sexy man in the form-fitting black suit looked up to see me. He headed around Lacey’s reception desk toward me, moving with an athletic grace that seemed effortless. If he hadn’t been wearing the standard-issue spy getup, I still would’ve known he was special ops by the way he moved. Bridget went after him. Before she ended up in more trouble, I needed to get this under control.
“Bridget, it’s okay.”
“Say nothing. I have Alex coming down with Antonio.”
The man, who I assumed was in charge, continued making his way toward me. He was the only one that had been talking to Bridget. The other agents just stared. Bridget made many people speechless. He cleared his throat before saying, “Sophie Stewart, I’m Agent White. Will you please come with us, or do we need to handcuff you?”
I couldn’t resist playing with him. “Well, Agent White, I know that’s not your real name. You need to stop with the color coding. If you’re putting the handcuffs on, I would prefer the pink fuzzy ones. I like the kinky side of things.”
Agent White didn’t have time to reply to my comment before Antonio and Alex walked in the front door. This was getting out of control. I needed to go with Agent White before someone ended up doing something they regretted.
Antonio walked over to where Agent White and I were standing. He looked pissed. “Agent White, do you want to explain why you are trying to take Sophie into custody?”
“Stay out of this, Antonio. This comes from the director. I need to take her in.”
“Why was I not informed about this case?” The vein in Antonio’s head was throbbing.
How does Antonio know Agent White, and why would he be informed about the devil’s cases?
“This is not your concern. Stop asking questions.”
The pissing contest needed to end. “Agent White, let’s go so we can get this over with.”
“Sophie, you don’t know what you’re saying. You don’t know who these people are. If you go with them, we might not be able to get you out.” Antonio spun and looked at Agent White. “You don’t have jurisdiction on US soil.”
Agent White’s next words brought the dread to the forefront. “Sophie Stewart, you are under arrest for treason.” He reached around to cuff my hands and pushed me out the door.
I could hear Bridget in the back, demanding Antonio do something. But there wasn’t anything he could do to get me out of my situation. I only hoped it would get me closer to my sister.
I twisted to take one last look at my life. Bridget was in tears, and Alex had his arms wrapped around her. He looked like he wanted to kill someone for making his wife cry. Antonio was screaming into the phone, and the remaining staff seemed shocked or close to tears.
Agent White assisted me into the back seat of a black SUV. He walked around to the other side and sat next to me. I held my wrists out to him. “These are unnecessary.”
“I think you are more dangerous than the director knows. But he would be mad if I hurt his pet.” He reached over and unlocked the cuffs.
I didn’t think the director would consider me his pet. We had been at each other’s throats for years.
“Do you want to tell me where you're taking me or why you came for me?” I was planning on playing dumb until they showed me proof of what I did wrong. I wouldn’t put it past this organization to pin a false accusation on me so that I had to work for them all the time, not just when I wanted.
Agent White shifted in his seat. From the look on his face, he was uncomfortable with this assignment. “You know what you did.”
“Nope. Since you won’t tell me what evidence you planted, do you want to tell me why Antonio knew your name?Well, your fake name.”
The sexy man shook his head and looked forward. It seemed I wouldn’t get any answers out of him. I spent the remaining car ride figuring out a plan to either escape or get out of the mess. One speck of hope was that Antonio knew where I might be going.
When I looked out the window, I noticed we were heading to an airstrip. My stomach took a nose dive at the sight of the strip. I had a feeling we were on our way to DC to see the devil himself. But, I was in for another surprise, since the devil was waiting for me on the plane.
“Sophie. It’s so nice of you to join us,” he barked.
Director Sanchez’s voice could command a room. Everyone listened when he spoke. Well, almost everyone. I couldn’t give a flying fuck what the man had to say. Twenty years ago, he made me a promise he still hasn’t fulfilled.
He came to my adopted family’s house on my sixteenth birthday, asking if I would train under his men and help him with undercover work. If I did, he would help find my sister or at least what happened to her. My foster parents were kind but lacked money. If I could help them by working with this man, I would. I thought maybe one day we could move out of the slums, and I would find my sister. It had been twenty-five years since she went missing, but I had hope she was still alive.