I could hear murmurs from them talking. It sounded like they wanted to bring me in. When Zane responded, the agents looked upset with his reply. One of the agents reached for his side arm. Zane raised his gun, and squeezed the trigger. Two gunshots echoed through the air, both men dropped to the ground. Zane aimed at the car firing off two more shots taking out the front tires of the car.
Zane jumped back into the SUV, and we were on our way. He peeled out, leaving two agents and a car behind. I think it took a couple miles for me to get my voice to speak.
“You left two dead people back there.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.
Zane gave me a puzzled look and tapped his fingers on the leather steering wheel. “I didn’t kill them. I merely made it harder for them to follow. They will both make a full recovery. It’s their fault for thinking they could take me on. Both agents knew who I was and what I would do to keep you safe.”
That made me feel a little easier, knowing we didn’t leave two dead bodies on the side of the road. It also made me feel better that Zane was still trying to protect me and get me back to my sister. He had no reason to defend me. His mission from his brother was to figure out what Director Sanchez was doing.
“Okay, how long before we make it to the airstrip?”
“It will be a little longer than I planned, since the car behind us has a grenade launcher pointed in our direction.”
“How can you be so fucking calm? They have a grenade launcher pointed at us!”
A large hand reached across the SUV and pulled my head down so that my face was in Zane’s crotch.
A loud pop sounded behind us, followed by earth-shattering explosion fifty feet to the side of the car. The SUV swayed from the force of the blast. Zane quickly righted the SUV, all while pressing his foot down to get some distance.
I sat up. “Zane, this is not the moment to request a blowjob. They shot a fucking grenade at us.” In the rearview mirror, I could see a billowing orange cloud from where the grenade had landed. The sedan was still behind us, keeping up with our SUV.
“A blowjob might reduce some of my tension. They won’t kill us. For some reason, the director wants you alive. We need to figure out what he wants with you.” Zane made a quick turn to the right, causing the tires to screech across the asphalt, and the smell of burning rubber wafted into the SUV.
Once we made it around the corner, Zane pulled his Glock from his holster and rolled down the windows to fire bullets at the car behind us. They dodged the shots and pointed guns back at us.
“How are they tracking us?” My words came out as a whisper.
“Not sure. I assume they used the NSA satellites and tracked our facial images,” he snapped, and she realized how stupid the question must have sounded. She used some of the equipment the CIA had when Sanchez asked her to do jobs.They weren’t safe anywhere. Ninety-eight percent of your life is caught on video, according to Jessica.
Zane hit the hands-free button on the steering wheel and barked Brock’s name. “Why are you not calling me on a burner phone.”
“We’re being chased.”
Through the phone, I could hear the clicking of Brock’s fingers on a keyboard. “Where the hell are you?” Brock demanded.
“We are on Interstate 64, heading east, toward the airstrip.”
There was a lengthy pause before Brock’s voice came across the speakers. “I have eyes on you. You have company five miles ahead.”
“I’m more worried about the assholes behind us.” Shots rang out. The back window of the SUV shattered. Broken glass sprayed into the car. I could feel the shards hitting the back of my seat.
Zane gunned the engine. The SUV lurched forward.
“Are you guys alive?” Brock asked.
My mouth was dry, but somehow, I responded. “Yes.”
“Take your next turn in a hundred feet.”
Wanting to help, I sat up to assist with an extra set of eyes. I couldn’t see anything up ahead except trees.Is Brock sending us into a forest to go off-roading?He needed to send a spy plane or something to blow these people up.
“Hold on!” Zane’s demand had me grasping the side door handle with all of my might. Zane rounded the corner, and the force of it made it feel as if the car was about to roll. Somehow, we made it around the corner, all four tires hitting the ground with a thud.
The car behind us wasn’t as lucky. When they took the corner, their vehicle flipped with the defining sound of metal crunching. Zane brought our vehicle to a screeching halt.