“What happened?” It seemed that once Antonio realized we had an issue, he perked up and forgot how god-awful early it was.
Sophie shifted in the seat next to me. She had been quiet since we got the call from the director.
“Sanchez called me this morning. He wants me to bring Sophie in and take on a partner for the rest of the op.”
Antonio grunted on the other end of the line. “Do not take her in. Hold on a second.”
I had no plans to take Sophie in. I would help her find her sister and then tackle the chemistry between us. After a couple minutes, Antonio clicked back over.
“Do you know how early it is?” Brock grumbled through the phone.
“What did you find out last night? Sophie and I need to find a new location to lie low.” Brock and Antonio’s complaining was rubbing my nerves.
“Yermushin will be at the charity fundraiser tomorrow night in New York. Kat will be there with him.”
“Can you get Sophie and me on the guest list?” It wouldn’t be hard to get on the list. I could always pull the Zack card.
Brock complained about people underestimating him. “We were planning on calling you around nine to tell you the plan. You and Sophie head to Charlottesville airstrip. A plane will be waiting for you. Antonio and John, one of operatives that works for Blackwood Security, will meet you at White Manor Hotel and Spa in downtown New York. Once everyone is at the hotel, we will reconvene.”
I needed Brock to do more digging. Things were not adding up. “Brock, I need you to look deeper into Sanchez and his connection to Sophie. I think he knew her before her parents died.”
* * *
The thought I might be in the same room as my sister brought butterflies to my stomach. For the past twenty years, I’ve been looking for her, and now I was days away from seeing her. The problem I was having was that my thoughts kept going back to last night.
It was one of the most mind-blowing nights I’ve ever had, and it could not happen again. The previous night was nothing more than a one-night stand. I had no future with any man. That was taken from me years ago. What happened with Zane couldn’t happen again.
When I glanced in Zane’s direction, I noticed that he kept looking in the review mirror. A black sedan had been a couple car lengths behind us for the past twenty miles.
“Why do you keep looking back?”I wish there was aSpy Book for Dummies. Even CliffsNotes would be helpful.
Zane pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh. “I need you to reach into the glove box and pull out a gun.”
When I opened the glove box, I was shocked by its contents. It had everything an assassin would need. “Umm… which one do you want?”
“Hand me a Glock. Also, grab a grenade. We might need it.”
Who the hell keeps grenades in their glove box?I reached in and grabbed what I assumed was a Glock. It was black, and it looked similar to the one he had been carrying on his side for the past three days.I opened the clamp holding the grenade and pulled it out. Zane reached over and grabbed the weapon from my hand.
“You ready to tell me what is going on?”
Zane glanced in the review mirror. “The car behind us has been following us for the past twenty miles.”
How do we know someone is following us for sure?“Maybe they are heading the same way we are. Ever think of that?”
“I’ve made three turns, causing us to completely change directions. There would be no reason for them to do the same.”
“How about we outrun them or lose them?”That seems like something a CIA agent would do. Don’t they teach that in spy 101?
Zane gave me a cocky smile. “We will stop and chat and see what they want. You will stay in the car, and if it turns bad, you will take off.”
This fieldwork shit was getting old. I wanted to sit behind the computer and delete these men's identities, not go into a shootout. “Can you explain the plan?”
Zane veered off the side of the road. The car following us almost didn’t see where we went, but they made a U-turn and came back at us. “I will talk to them. You stay here.”
The black sedan came to a stop a few feet from us. Two men in black suits stepped out of the car. They were definitely CIA agents. Zane checked the magazine of his gun before he exited the vehicle.