She rocked her hips, trying to push me deeper. Her moans were increasing, letting me know another climax was looming. I pushed her toward the pleasure, needing to see her come apart in my arms.
Her voice came out raspy. With each thrust, her body bucked against me. She was close to crying out all over again. Every muscle tightened, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. Our energy poured into each other with our loud cries.
Muscles finally going lax, the only thing on my mind was the woman under me.
Sophie groaned at the loss as I slid off her body, so I pulled her into my side.
What was happening between us was game-changing. I couldn’t wait to explore it further. There was a good chance Sophie wasn’t going to make it easy. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The night before filtered through my head. Having Sophie under me was amazing. The thought of her climaxing to my touch had me hard. I reached over to the side of the bed to pull Sophie into me and noticed the bed was empty. I felt the sheets, and they were cold. She had left hours ago.
I reached for the pair of gray sweatpants lying on the floor and went to figure out where my redheaded angel had escaped to. She had another thing coming if she thought she could avoid me this easily.
The guest room door was closed. I opened the door, ready to give Sophie a piece of my mind for leaving the bed in the middle of the night. The sight I saw took my breath away. Sophie was sound asleep, with her red hair spread across the pillow. It looked so inviting. Just when I had decided to climb into bed with her, my phone rang.
I swore I would kill the person on the other side of that phone. It was too fucking early to be calling and bothering me. Leaving Sophie to sleep after the day we had yesterday, I walked out into the hall and closed the door.
“What?” Whoever was calling needed to get to the point.
“Is that any way to talk to your boss?”How did the director get my burner number?Sophie and I needed to leave the safe house. Our location was compromised.
“I told you I would take the case. When we find anything out, I will send you the intel.” Like hell. I wouldn’t send him anything. I thought he was up to his nose in bad dealings, and if it was the last thing I did, I would bring this man to his knees.
I overheard a shuffling on the other end of the line. “I need you to take Yermushin out. Bring Sophie back, and I will take care of her. I don’t think she will be much help to you in the field. I will send another agent out to help you.”
“Nope. I’m good.”
“That wasn’t a suggestion. I want Sophie back here today, or I will have your ass.”
I walked back into the guest room and shook Sophie. When her dark green eyes landed on me, it was enough to take my breath away. I motioned that it was time to go. She seemed to understand and kick into high gear.
“I will report back when I have something.” Not waiting to hear his reply, I clicked the phone off and stomped on it.
My go-bag was sitting on the bench next to the front door. I was ready to go. Sophie rounded the corner wearing a pair of my sweats and a T-shirt. I wanted to peel them off her body and head back to the bedroom. But, we needed to leave before any agents showed up. There was something we were missing in Sophie’s tie to Sanchez.
“What’s going on?” There was a slight shake to Sophie’s voice.
“The director called. We need to get out of here in case he’s figured out our location.”
Sophie seemed to understand the urgency and followed me out to the garage. The garage was lined with high-end sports cars. I hadn't made it out here since we arrived at the cabin. The garage was three times the size of the house.
“Are these all yours?”
I’ve grown up with money. Sometimes it was hard to see what others see. I only saw a bunch of cars that went fast.
“Yes,” I said tersely, not wanting to talk about my family’s money. I unlocked a luxury SUV. Sophie headed toward it. There was a very slim chance someone had made it into the garage. I didn't want to take any chances, so I pulled out a mirror to check under the cars for trackers or bombs. Once Sophie was inside the SUV, I did a quick check. The car was clean.
A few miles down the road, I pulled out a new burner phone and called Antonio. It rang once before his gruff voice came through the phone.
“Do you know how fucking early it is?” Antonio sounded as excited as I was when I got the call from the director bright and early. I glanced at the dashboard clock. It was 6:35 AM. It was fucking early.
I clicked the phone over to speaker, so I could concentrate on the road. “Sorry to wake you, Sleeping Beauty. Sophie and I left the safe house.”