Page 16 of Undercover Hacker

A couple of rings later, Bridget answered. “Whoever the fuck you are, do you know what fucking time it is? I have a baby and bar—”

“Shut up.”


“Yes. I need you to do me a favor.” I could hear the sheets rustling and Alex asking her something.


“Antonio will show up once I call him. You know where my hiding spot is, right?” Bridget and I both had a place picked out where we kept things, and the other one knew where it was so that if we ever got in trouble, she could get rid of whatever was there.

“I have it and moved it.”

I knew I could count on her.

“I need you to upload it to our server then hand it over to Brock and Antonio.” Bridget and I also had a server not attached to White Hat. It was part of our doomsday plan.

“Already uploaded. Do you not fucking know who I am? That shit was uploaded and moved before Agent Asshole put you in the car.”

“Thank you. I will talk to you soon.” Not waiting for her reply, I clicked off the phone and handed it back to Zane.

“Why are you having the data uploaded?” He sounded irritated. I wasn’t going by his plan. No way was I going to sit around and wait for Brock and Antonio to reanalyze all the data for the cases I worked.

I pointed at the phone in his hand. “You can tell Antonio that Bridget has the hard drive with everything he needs.”

Not needing to hear the conversation, I turned and headed for the kitchen. I needed something to drink and then a laptop. The wine cabinet next to the fridge was fully stocked. I reached for a bottle of red. I wasn't picky at the moment. A minute later, I had the liquid gold open, a filled wine glass in hand, and was on the hunt for a laptop.

Walking into the living room, I spotted a laptop laying on the coffee table. I swapped the wine bottle for the laptop.

A few seconds later, I bypassed Zane’s password and bounced my IP around Russia. Once I knew my IP was off the grid, I logged into the server Bridget and I had and started the download of the data I’d collected over the years.

“You know, you could ask to use my laptop instead of hacking it.” Zane's tone held a hint of amusement.

When I turned my head to reply, I was left speechless. He was standing in the hall, not wearing a shirt, and his sweatpants were hanging low on his hips.



Working in the mountains had been a nice change of pace. The cool breeze blew across my skin. I took in a deep breath, and the smell of the pine trees made me appreciate the outdoors. The past few days had been a whirlwind of calls.

After three days of sifting through old case files, I was no closer to finding the connection between Sanchez and Yermushin. I cross-referenced all the cases I worked on with information from the CIA. Brock’s finding was correct. The cases Sanchez had me work on were for his gain and not for the government. The money was leading back to the exact spot. But we couldn’t find proof of what the director’s end goal was.

I looked up from the laptop, taking in the landscape and the deer eating in the front yard. No wonder people come to the outdoors to get their mind back in order. It was calming to the soul. Zane had had a great idea to buy this place for a retreat from the real world.

“Find anything?” Zane’s voice startled me. I needed to tie a bell around his neck.

I shook my head. An hour ago, he had asked me the same question. I was having a hard time keeping my hands off the man. The sexual tension was heavy in the little log cabin. I had spent most of today trying to separate myself from him. My self-control was running thin, and I was close to jumping the man’s bones.

“If you need anything, call. I’m going to do a perimeter check.”

I couldn’t help but watch the man walk away. The jeans he wore accented his tight ass and I noticed he added an extra swagger to his walk.

The burner phone rang. I found it buried under a stack of papers on the table. “Hello?”

“You like checking out my ass?” His arrogant tone echoed through the phone. “I could feel your eyes on me.”

“I don’t need to inflate your ego any further.” It was all I could think to say. I was caught.