I ranto Jessica’s room. She was right where I had left her.After a quick glance around the room to make sure the place was secure,I rushed to her side. She was thrashing around on the bed, the covers were lying on the floor, and she had a sheen of sweat on her body.
I sat on her bed and pulled her into my arms. I needed to wake her from this nightmare. I gently rocked her back and forth and whispered in her ear to wake her up.
I sighed in relief when those pretty gray eyes focused on me. “I’m right here. Everything will be okay.”
Jessica looked confused for a second. She was trying to remember what had happened. Neal was leaning against the doorway, watching us.
“Did I have another flashback?” she asked. The question was directedat Neal. She seemed embarrassed by her nightmare.
It took work to tamp down my jealousy. She was directing her questions to Neal, but I was the one who had my arms wrapped around her.
“Yes, sweetie. You had a flashback,” Neal replied.
She finally turned those gorgeous eyes back to me. “Did you just growl at me?”
I chose to ignore her question. Jessica had enough going on. She didn’t need to know I’d be beating the crap out of Neal later for calling her sweetie.
“You need to pack your things. You’ll be staying at my apartment for a while.” I stopped to think for a second. “On second thought, maybe we should stay at a hotel. There might betoomany triggers to your past at my apartment.”
My current apartment was above Club Sanctorum and Blackwood Security. I lived next to Sam on the top floor of the building. I wasn’t sure what might happen if Jessica wandered downstairs into the club. One of the scenes could trigger a memory.
Jessica pulled away from me and crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t treat me like a baby. I had a flashback from the writing on the wall. The club won’t send me into a panic. But I agree with you that I need to find another place to stay.”
What Jessica didn’t understand was that once I got her into my apartment, I wouldn’t be letting her go. “Why don’t you pack what you need? When you have everything, we’ll go to my place. While you’re getting your stuff ready, I’ll give Sam a call.”
“No,” she retorted immediately. “Sam and Patty have enough to worry about. Let’s wait a couple days.”
Jessica didn’t understand how our relationship was going to work. I would give the orders, and she would be following. “Sam needs to know what happened in case someone goes after Patty again.” I could see the moment she understood.
“Just okay?”
Jessica got up, grabbed her bag, and started packing. I pulled her into my arms. She stiffened at first and then relaxed into me. When she put her head down on my chest,I kissed it. “We’ll catch the individual causing trouble in your life. Once they are caught your life will go back to normal.”
The forced laugh that came from her was heartbreaking. “My life will never be normal. Don’t you remember who my father is?”
Jessica’s father was the king of Shialia. Her twin sister, Patty, was next in line for the crown. I didn’t know if I could handle it if Jessica were in line for the crown. I would put her in a box to protect her from the outside world.
“We will get you back to normal,” I assured her.
“Since you guys have that squared away, Brock, come out to the living room, and we can figure out a plan while Jessica packs,” Neal said from the doorway. I had forgotten he was there until he opened his mouth.
I gave Jessica a squeeze and kissed the top of her head one more time. Her hair smelled like coconut. “Pack for a couple weeks. If you need more things, we can send someone to pick them up. I don’t want you coming here without someone with you.”
She grinned for a moment. “Yes, sir.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm and made me want to put her over my knee, which, in turn, made my dick stir.
I went back out to the dining room. Neal’s fingers were flying across Jessica’s computer. I knew if there was any evidence on Jessica’s computer, he would find it. “Was there any video?”
“The camera’s recording system has been off for the past few months. Someone hacked into the video feed and is watching on the other side. The feed is current. I disconnected the camera feed to external view. It’s now set to internal only.”
The thought of someone watching Jessica when she didn’t know about it made me vibrate with anger. I wanted to catch this fucker and kill them. “Were you able to find the IP of the person watching the videos?”