Needing to save Brock from the nurse, I said, “Actually, I jumped him.”

“I like you. He needs to learn to say no.” She had a smile on her face when she walked toward the door. “He’s a good guy. Wouldn’t leave your side.”

When I started to get up and get dressed, Brock was by my side. My clothes were destroyed in the kidnapping, so the hospital had given me a fresh set of scrubs. Patty would have something for me to wear when I got to Shialia.

“How long was I gone?” I asked.

Brock let out an aggravated groan. “It took us close to twenty hours to get you back. That was the longest day of my life. You have to promise me you’ll never take a tracker off again, no matter how mad you might be at me or any of us. There are crazy people out there, and I can’t go through that again. I thought I lost you.”

Since we were heading to Shialia, I was going to ask Patty if she could invent a new tracker. I wanted something smaller. When Sasha removed the one from my arm, I was in pain for a few days.

When I put the new scrub top over my head, I noticed the necklace was back. He must have put it on me when I was asleep. “When we get to Shialia, I will have another tracker implanted, as long as it is smaller than the last one.”

Brock must have noticed I waslooking atthe necklace. “I plan on getting you a permanent collar, and the collar will have a tracker. When we get back, we will go ring shopping, and we can have a tracker implanted in the diamond.”

“When we get toShialia,we can pick out a ring. Dad owes me some gems for putting me through hell.” Shialia was known for its exotic gems. Brock and I grabbed our remaining items and left the hospital.

A few hours later, we were in Shialia.

* * *

“I thoughtyou were due a week ago?” Brock and I had arrived at the castle two hours ago. Patty had not delivered her baby yet.

“He won’t come out! We have sex all the time, and I bounce on that dumb ball an hour a day.” She grumbled.

It was nice being back at the castle after so many years away. Our father hadn’t returned. We received a letter saying he was thinking about what he had done wrong, trying to come up with a way to fix what he did.

I had no hard feelings. He was my only parent left, and I couldn’t spend the rest of my years being mad at him. Brock, on the other hand, hadn’t forgiven him for putting me in danger.

“Did you know a first baby has a fifteen percent chance of beinglate.The second child only has a ten percent chance of being late.” Patty had been grasping at her belly for the past hour. “Are you sure you’re not in labor now?”

“I thought I was ready, and have complained about him not coming, but what happens if I screw him up, and he turns out to be crazy.” By the time she finished the sentence, she was panting in pain.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and swiped to unlock it. Sam picked up on the first ring. “Sam, it’s time.”

“I will meet you in the car.”

I took another look at Patty. We weren’t going to make it to the hospital.

I could hear him running in the background. “Sam, we won’t make it to the hospital. Patty’s been in labor all day and hasn’t told anyone.”

Sam grumbled about tanning her hide after she gave birth.

“Meet me in your chambers.” Sam clicked off the line.

Grabbing Patty’s hand, I helped her up off the ground. “Let me get you to your room.” I was hoping Sam had called the doctor.


Once Patty had this baby, I was going to tan her hide for not telling someone she was in labor. She wouldn’t be able to sit for a week.

I was running toward our wing. The castle was twenty thousand square feet, and I just happened to be on the opposite side. I heard footsteps fall into stride next to me. I knew it was Brock. After years of working together, we were in sync.

Brock and I had been having a glass of Scotch, trying to figure out a way to get Shialia back under control. I was planning on hiring a bunch of Navy Seals I had worked with before. I needed to change out all the guards.

Jessica’s name flashing across my phone screen only meant one thing. Something was wrong with my pixie. When she said the baby was coming, a web of emotions passed through me. I couldn’t believe Patty had waited this long to let anyone know she was in labor.

Needing to have a doctor here, I grabbed my phone and called our doctor. His nurse answered and said a doctor would be at the castle in ten minutes. I hope we had ten minutes. Nobody at the residence was trained to deliver a baby.