“Master Brock, Daisy tried to stop her. She walked right by me and stormed in here.” I had never seen Daisy so angry before.

Sophie had a stack of papers in her hand. “You’ll want the information I have. There wasn’t time for me to wait.”

“John, lock up Blackwood Security and email the club members that we’re closed for the night.”

Daisy was still fuming at how Sophie had treated her. Neal grabbed her by the hand and led her to his station. On his way to his chair, he grabbed a pillow off the couch, and Daisy kneeled next to him.

Sophie was handing out stacks of papers to the team.

I hoped Sophie had additional information that would help in the case. “Sophie, you want to explain why you burst in here and are taking over the meeting? You do know how to use a cell phone, right?”

Sophie turned on her heels and glared at me. “You are all taking too long to solve the case, so I took matters into my own hands. And I want every one of you to remember that I helped save Jessica.” She eyed each of us before continuing.“The intelligence I gathered will lead back to me, and when it does, people are going to be coming for me.But we’ll cross that bridge in a few weeks.”

She continued to take over the room like she owned the place.Sophie sat down at my computer and zoomed in on the satellite imagery. “They took her to the same place.”

Sam objected. “William told me that place was leveled.”

“Wrong. One facility on the property is gone, but look here.” She zoomed in on a building at the rear of the property.

This was the best lead we’d had in the case. “Let’s go.”

Eric sat back. “This is personal to you. Hell, it’s personal to all of us. But we need to formulate a plan of attack before heading in.”

A couple keystrokes later Sophie had two images up on the screen. One was Axmed. The other looked like his brother.

“Axmed has a brother. A twin, to be exact. He was trying to kidnap Jessica so he could exchange her for his brother’s release. Since Axmed is already out, Jessica is now his gift,” Sophie explained.

I hadn’t found this intel anywhere on the dark web. “Where are you getting this information? I need to check the source before we go in.”

She shook her head. “My source will come out in the next few weeks, unless I figure a way to cover my tracks. I also know why King William didn’t kill Axmed.”

The mention of why William didn’t kill Axmed piqued Patty’s interest. “How do you know this information?”

“I’ve read the report of someone who was in the room when William interrogated Axmed.”

Patty leaned in closer to the cameras. “I’ve read the same report.”

“No, you read the report your father wanted you to read.”

“Spit it out,” I prompted. The sooner Sophie spilled the information, the quicker I could rescue Jessica.

“Axmed and his brother, Ashkir, are Patty and Jessica’s half-brother,” Sophie explained.

I glanced at the computer screen to make sure Patty was okay. Her face was pale. Sam had her wrapped in his arms.

Patty recovered a few seconds later. “I don’t care who these men are. Brock, make me one promise. You will kill them both.” Patty closed the video link.

Sophie seemed more stressed now than when she arrived. She rose from my chair. “Abshir is the one behind your sex trafficking case. He puts other people in the light to make them look like the leaders while he sits in the background, pulling strings.”

Sophie turned on her heels and left the conference room in the same fashion she came in.

I pulled the phone out of my pocket and sent a text to the pilot, letting him know to have the plane ready to go in an hour. Then I took a second to digest all the information Sophie had given us. “Why would he kidnap his sister to start with?”

Eric spun in his chair. “He wanted to take over the throne. From what I read about this man, he was sent from group home to group home as an orphan. More than likely, he hates Jessica and Patty for their privileged life.”

His idea made sense. The reason to retake her was to make his father pay for keeping him in jail. We needed to get to Jessica soon. These men were after vengeance.

“That was a lot of info to take in.Let’s put together aplan of action and head to the airport.John, pack as many explosives as you can. I want to blow the place up. Everyone else, grab your guns, and let’s get Jessica back.”