“Don’t start on me with that shit. You did something foolish, and Jessica took off. We need to locate her before Axmed’s men do. I’ll talk with Patty and see if she’s heard from Jessica. Keep me informed.” The line went dead.

Come on, Jessica. Where did you go?

* * *


I made it to the airport in record time. I had made a call to Patty on my way to the airport and let her know I was coming and asked her not to tell Sam. I explained what Brock had done, and she was livid. She agreed to keep my secret. She wouldn’t let Sam or Brock know where I was going. Once I arrived in Shialia, it would be easy to not be seen by Sam.

I ran up the stairs of the airplane. Cody, our pilot, was standing at the entrance. I was surprised not to see Isabella, the regular stewardess.

“Thank you for doing this on short notice. How long before the plane takes off?”

Cody was acting strangely, not looking me in the eye when he answered,“We can leave now.”

I sat down in the first set of chairs. Cody headed toward the cockpit, and I saw the door close. Knowing we would take off soon, I put my seatbelt on. The stewardess headed to the galley kitchen to get ready for takeoff.

The realizationhit me a few minutes too late. This wasn’t the family jet. I wasn’t able to ask Cody what was going on. When I went to ask the stewardess, the Fasten Seatbelt light came on. I sat back down. Once we were to the point where I could walk around, I would get my answers.

Needing to take my mind off the strange situation with the plane, I thought back to the scene Brock was doing in the club. I remembered he had flogged the lady a couple times and then turned to the left. What was he turning toward?A man had been standing there, and Brock was talking to him.

If he was there with the woman, why would he be talking to somebody else? He had never spoken to anyone else during our scenes unless he was teaching someone. Eric’s words came back to my mind. It’s not what it seems. You need to talk to him.

I had jumped to a conclusion, thinking Brock was like my horrible ex-husband. But I knew better than that. Brock was nothing like Doug. He acted like the world revolved around me.

How could I have been so stupid?I needed to go back and explain my reaction to Brock. We had finally reached an altitude where I could take my seatbelt off. Not wanting to wait for the stewardess to come out, I jumped up and ran toward the galley kitchen.

“I need to speak to the pilot.”

“You can’t speak to him right now.” Her friendly demeanor from earlier was gone, replaced by an icy cold exterior.

Her words startled me. I took a step back and bumped into something. One strong arm wrapped around my waist, holding my arms in place, while the other one wrapped around my mouth so I couldn’t scream. The man hauled me back into the seating area and pushed me down into the chair I had occupied earlier. Another man was already on me, tying my wrists to the chair. Another was tying my feet together.I struggled to get away, but the men overpowered me.

Once the men had me strapped to the chair like they wanted,Axmed stepped back. How can he possibly be here? I thought. He’s supposed to be in jail.This has to be a nightmare.

“I told you it was a only a matter of time before I got you back.”

“You better enjoy this while you can. People are looking for me. When I don’t show up, Patty will alert everyone.”

Axmedsat down in the chair next to me. He had aged over the years. His dusty brown hair was now gray, and he had wrinkles next to his eyes. He used to be in shape, but now he had a potbelly. The only positive thing I noticed was that he no longer stank of body odor.

He did that evil villain laugh that grated on my nerves. “See, that’s where you’re wrong. They won’t be looking for you. We had somebody else fly your plane toward Shialia. Your flight won’t make it there, though. It’s going to crash into the ocean.”

Why did I not talk to Brock? I wouldn’t be in this situation if I had. Instead, I let my emotions run high, and I ended kidnapped. Again.And since we were in their plane, nobody would come looking for me.

“Where are you taking me?”Maybe I could figure out a way to alert Brock.

“I’m taking you back to where all of this started.” That was good news. Brock had men stationed in Somalia, watching sex trafficking trade. Maybe they would find me.

“I think that’s enough talking for today.”Before I had time to register what Axmed had said,I felt something hit the side of my head, and everything went black.