Since taking over the club,I’d been helping newbie Doms with their subs. Kent and Sarah were struggling to communicate, and Kent was having a hard time reading Sarah’s body language. I agreed to help them this afternoon.Doing a teaching scene was the last thing I wanted to do.It felt weird, touching someone else’s sub, even though I knew it was a teaching moment.
“Kent, see when I hit here, how she turns and how her body reacts?” At his nod, I continued to flog Sarah. After about a half hour, I let Kent try, and the session seemed to get them more in sync. “I think you guys are heading in the right direction.You need to be open to each other and talk about what’s going right and what’s going wrong.If you need anything else, let me know.”
Notneeding to see any more of their scene, I headed toward the bar. Eric was working, and he didn’t look happy.“What’s got you looking under the weather?”
He placed his hands on the bar and leaned forward. “You didn’t think it was appropriate to tell Jessica you were helping Doms?” His anger vibrated off of him.
His comment threw me for a loop. “Kent and Sarah came to me today. I didn’t think it would be any big deal.”
“No big deal? Jessica stormed out of here because she saw you with Sarah. That was exactly what her ex-husband used to do.What do you think her first conclusion was?”
I had never even thought about it that way because I wasn’t doing it for me. I headed straight upstairs to the apartment. I needed to talk to her before she gottooupset or did something irrational.
The second I walked in, I knew something was wrong. I called Jessica’s name from the entryway, but there was no answer. An eerie feeling came over me as I walked back to the bedroom. My suspicions were provedtrue when I found her closet empty. When I walked over to the dresser, I noticed she had left her necklace.
She’d put herself in danger by taking off for no good reason because she didn’t stop and talk to me. Now I had no way to find her. The first thing I did was run down to my office and pull up all my video surveillance to see if she’d gone to one of her houses.
The video footage came up as I reached for a Mountain Dew. I had pulled up all the camera footage. Each of my five monitors was streaming a camera.Everything looked the same as it did the other day.She wasn’t in any of the houses or at her condo. I pulled up the video feed for the club to see what time she had left.
While that was loading, I reached for my phone and called John. After a couple rings, he answered.”I don’t have time to talk right now!”
“I don’t care if you don’t have time. Jessica is missing. She misunderstood something, and now I can’t find her.”
I heard John huff on the other end. “Misunderstood? You were doing a scene with another woman. Why didn’t you tell her what you were doing? She jumped to the conclusion that you were like her ex-husband.”
I had fucked up so bad, and now all I wanted to do was get her back.“I know, but we need to find her so I can explain. I was helping Sarah and Kent.”
“I know what you were doing. Jessica doesn’t. I saw her leaving, so I jumped in my car. I’m trying to catch up to her, but she’s driving like a maniac.”
“Keep me posted if you catch her. I’ll pull up the GPS on your car.”
I screamed in frustration. I didn’t do that scene for my pleasure. I needed to hand the training off to someone else. I never wanted to hurt Jessica. I did it to help someone, and if she would just stay around long enough for me to explain, it would be better. But now she was probably in danger.
My phone rang. Figuring it was John, I swiped my finger across the screen. “What do you have?” I demanded.
“Hello to you too.” Sam’s voice came through the line, dripping with sarcasm.
“Sam, I don’t have time to talk right now. I have a situation.”
I heard Sam wrestling with something on the other end of the phone. “Well, you need to make time.We have a bigger situation than whatever your problem is.”
“Tell me what’s going on, and make it quick. Jessica misunderstood something she saw, and now we can’t find her.”
“You havegot tobe kidding me! How could you lose her? What the fuck did you do?”
“I was helping a Dom and his sub. She misinterpreted it and took off. Now we can’t find her.So what the hell do you need help with?”
There was a long pause before Sam’s voice came through again. “The King had more men turn on us.Axmed escaped.”
How could things get any worse?First Jessica ran off, mad but probably okay. Now theman who had tortured her had escaped, and I didn’t know where she was.
Sam informed me he had everything under control in Shialia. All he had to do was keep the newest traitor in jail.
“If you had killed Axmed like I asked, we wouldn’t be in the situation.”