Once the airline pilot turned off the Fasten Seatbelt sign, Brock removed my laptop from my lap and pulled me onto his.
“Stop worrying. She will love you.” His fingers trailing up and down my spine took some of the worries away.
I went to reach for my laptop, but Brock wrapped his arms around me, making it difficult to move. “Brock, I found a study that said sixty percent of women experienced friction in their relationships with their mothers-in-law, and only fifteen percent of the men believed that their mother had caused it. I need to make sure she likes me.”
Isabella, the flightattendant, walked over with a glass of Moscato for me and a cherry Coke with whiskey for Brock. “Are you guys hungry?” she asked. Her wavy red hair was cut to shoulder length. She had on a navy blue suit with a white blouse. She was exotic looking.I liked that she was always professional and never hit on any of the men.
“No, I’m fine, thanks.” There was no way I could keep any food in my stomach with the stress of meeting Suzy for the first time.
She reached down and patted me on the forearm. “Don’t worry. Suzy will love you. I’ve never met a person she didn’t like.” With that, she turned around and headed back to the kitchen.
Great. I’d probably be the first person Brock’s mom didn’t like.
“Jessica, if you don’t snap out of this, I will take you over my knee and make your ass red. My mother will love you as much as I do.”
At his words, I turned my head to look into his eyes. “You can’t redden my ass before I meet your mother,” I whispered back.
He leaned in and claimed my lips.I was lost in the sensation of his hand running up and down my body. When he pulled away, I was panting and ready for more. “Do you think I would take you to see my mom if I didn’t think she would love you?”
I spent the next two hours sitting on Brock’s lap while he told me stories about times in the bakery with his mom.
* * *
Brock’s familyhome wasn’t far from the airport. When we landed, a black Navigator was waiting for us on the runway, and we headed toward his mom’s house. The fields had a light dusting of fresh snow. The air held a cold, crisp bite. It had been a few years since I had seen snow. After living in Florida for so long, I forgot how cold it could get in other parts of the country.
“It’s beautiful here.”
Brock reached over and grabbed my hand. “I like coming here to visit. I think all my years overseas in the desert made my blood thin, because I could never live here. If we turned right back there, it would take us into town. I’ll take you for a tour of town tomorrow.”
All the nervousness came back in full force when we parked in front of Brock’s childhood home. It was a cute white farmhouse with a porch that wrapped around the front. An older woman was sitting in a rocking chair on the porch. When she saw the car stop, she stood.
Brock’s mom had to be only five feet tall and fit the description of a pastry baker perfectly. I wanted to pick her up and eat her.
She had already walked over to the truck by the time we exited. She wrapped her arms around Brock’s waist and rested her head on his chest. “You need to come visit more often.” She patted his chest a couple times before turning her sights on me. “You come over here and give me a hug.”
I walked over to her, and she engulfed me in a hug. She smelled like chocolate chip cookies. She pulled back from the hug but kept a hand on each of my arms.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. McKenzie.”
“Oh, no you don’t. It’s Mom. She’s pretty, Brock. You did well. Don’t let her get away.”
I was left speechless by her statement. Suzy turned around and headed toward the house. My mouth was still hanging open from shock.
“I told you she would like you.Now, let’s get some hot chocolate and cookies.”Brock grabbed my hand, and we headed up to the house.
The inside of Suzy’s home was cozy and warm. Wood was burning in the white stone fireplace. Pictures of Brock and his sister at all ages were displayed all over the walls. But there were no recent photos of either of them. I wondered what Brock’s sister looked like. The sound of pans clinking together drew my attention to the back of the house.
Brock led me to the kitchen. Suzy was taking a fresh batch of cookies from the stove. She laid the sheet pan on the stovetop and turned toward the fridge. “Ms. McKenzie, do you need help with anything?”
“No, dear. Have a seat, and I told you to call me Mom.” I went to sit on the open chair, and Brock pulled me into his lap. His gesture made my skin ignite. I blushed at the display of public affection in front of his mom.
“How is work going? Have you found that awful man yet?”
Before Brock had time to answer, I spoke up. “They found him a few months ago.”
Suzy leveled a look at Brock. “Really?So, Brock, this spur-of-the-moment trip has nothing to do with Jessica’s safety?”
I turned my head to see Brock’s face. “What is she talking about?”