This wasn’t just about John doing her harm. Neal wanted Daisy. He wasn’t ready to admit it, however. Once she was in his house, I didn’t think he would ever let her leave. Last week, when she went off to do a scene with a Dom neither of us knew, Neal almost had a heart attack looking for her.
“They are taking a long time to get ready.” I was excited about my plan for tonight. I felt like Jessica and Daisy had been in the dressing room for hours.
Neal’s head turned in the direction of the locker rooms. He had been looking that way every couple minutes. “I just saw Mia leave the locker room, and she is headed our way. Maybe she can tell us what is taking them so long.”
When I glanced over, Mia was practically running towards us. Her face was filled with concern, and I knew something was wrong. Neal and I jumped up and headed toward Mia. Eric would take care of our drinks.
“Where is Daisy?” Neal demanded.
“Gone. I found someone to cover my shift and the front desk, so I came down to change with Jessica and Daisy. I noticed the chairs in their locker area were knocked over. I headed out here to see if they were with you.”
I didn’t have time to get more information.I took off running toward the dressing room. The club was filling up, and it was challenging to maneuver through the crowds. Neal yelled that he was going to check the cameras. He would head up to my office and watch the video footage. I pressed my finger to my ear to alert the staff something was happening. I told everyone to go on lockdown until we knew Jessica was okay.
I burst into the women’s locker room. It was empty. Jessica’s chair was on its side, and a white rag from the bathroom lay on the floor.I took a look around but saw nothing that would help me find her.
Pressing my finger to my earpiece again, I alerted everyone that Jessica and Daisy were both missing. I heard a bunch of cursing through the line, but nobody had an eye on her. Knowing the team on the floor would take care of things, I headed up to my office to see if Neal had a lead.
Neal was sitting in front of my second computer station pulling up video footage. Mia had followed me upstairs and was pacing the floor.
“Did you find anything?” I asked Neal.
He shook his head as his fingers flew across the keyboard.
“Mia, did you see anyone out of the ordinary come into the club tonight?” I couldn’t believe Daisy and Jessica were taken right under our noses. This place was supposed to be safe.
Mia stopped pacing. “The only thing different was Sasha was back tonight.”
Before I had time to ask why she had let that woman in, Neal cursed next to me. “Daisy’s tracker shows she’s in the dressing room.”
Why hadn’t I thought of that sooner?Jessica had a tracker. “You’re brilliant!”
I sat down in my command seat, grabbed my phone, and quickly dialed Sam. It took a couple minutes for him to answer.
“You realize it’s the middle of the fucking night. This better be good.”
“Sam, I need the website to track Jessica.”
“Hold on.”I heard some shuffling on the other side of the phone.
A groggy voice came over the phone. “What’s going on, Brock?”
“Patty, I don’t have time to explain. I need the site to track Jessica.” In the background, Patty was yelling at Sam to hand her the laptop.
“You can’t get to it. I changed it so it can only be accessed from my servers, and it has to be double authenticated. Hold on. I’m bringing it up right now.”
It felt like time had slowed down.Neal was still going over footage of the club and the parking lot.
“Fuck!” Patty screamed over the phone. “Her tracker is off.”
“How is that possible?The trackers are implanted.”
Patty was quiet for a few seconds. I could hear her fingers typing on her computer. “It seems she was at the club twenty minutes ago. Then it went offline.The only way that can happen is if someone cuts the tracker out of her.”
Bile rose up my throat.This had to be the work of the individuals working with Axmed.
“I think I found something,” Neal said.
I leaned over to take a look at his monitors. I clicked the speaker button so Patty and Sam could hear what was going on.