“Who could turn down an offer like that?Why don’t you come over here and kneel next to me?”

Daisy jumped up and scurried over to sit on the floor next to Neal. She seemed ecstatic to be spending time with someone else.Maybe John was doing more harm than good.“Do you want to tell me why you are getting a reward?”

Not waiting for Daisy to respond, I filled Neal in on what Sasha had done, and that Daisy let us know what was going on. I could see the anger in Neal’s eyes at the thought of someone disrespecting Jessica.

Neal and Daisy left to wander about the dungeon. When they were out of earshot, John thanked me for his time off before he headed out to take my shift.Then I had to decide what Jessica and I would do for the evening.

“Up you go.” Once Jessica was up, I took her hand and headed toward the staircase that led to my apartment.

* * *


I couldn’t stop the tears from forming in my eyes. I knew my scars would scare Brock away. Despite what he had said, nobody wanted to be with someone who had scars covering their body. Brock was handsome and could have any woman he wanted. Sasha was right. My husband hadn’t been able to stand the sight of my body, and he always made sure I knew it.

I still couldn’t believe a stranger would say those awful things to someone they didn’t know. If I hadn’t been so shocked, I would have stuck up for myself or at least realized that she knew what my husband had said about me. That could only mean she was the woman Doug had been cheating on me with. I had never looked at the photos Patty took. Patty had snuck into Club Sanctorum before she was with Sam to prove my ex-husband was a lowlife.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realize we were already back at Brock’s apartment. I wouldn’t break down until I was in my room. Then I would have my pity party. Once we were inside, I tried to pull from Brock’s grasp, but he held me tighter.

“Where do you think you are going?” Brock was using his Dom voice.

“Going to bed.” I was about to lose it and start bawling. Still trying to hide, I turned as much as I could toward my room.


“Because you don’t want me!” I yelled. It slipped out of my mouth without conscious thought.

Brock pulled me into his arms. He waited until I looked up at him. I had tears streaming down my face. His response made me even more confused.

“Why do you think I don’t want you?” He was dragging his fingers up and down the side of my arms, which was sending shock waves through my body.

“We left the club. You didn’t want me down there.”

“Hmm… I didn’t want other men looking at you down there. You have my dick so hard.” Making his point, he rubbed up against me. “I wanted to do a scene with you the second I saw you in that outfit.”

“Then why are we up here?”

“I figured your first time would be better in private.I’m still worried about your past being triggered. This is a more controlled environment.”

How could I argue with that logic?“Are we going to do a scene?”

“Yes. Go to my bedroom, undress, and kneel on the bed.”

Not wanting to look too eager, I walked to his room. Once I was out of his sight, I ran. Brock’s room looked like it came out of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine. The walls were light blue. He had white furniture that made it look crisp and clean, and there was no laundry on the floor.

Not wanting to make a mess, I hurried and undressed. I folded my clothes and put them on the chair next to the bed. My anxiety was high. Not wanting to waste the chance of being with Brock, I got into position and waited for him to come.

It felt like it took an hour for him to appear in the bedroom.I could hear his footsteps on the plush carpet.

“You look beautiful waiting for me on my bed. I bet you’re dripping for me.”

His words made me blush. He was right. The thought of pleasing Brock had me so turned on that I couldn’t wait for his fingers to touch my body.

He slowly dragged his fingers over the scars on my back and butt. It made me flinch, and when I did, Brock smacked my ass, sending a zing of pleasure through my body. I had never been spanked before.

“I think your scars make you look sexy. They are something you survived and that strengthened you. Wear them with pride.”

Brock continued his journey. My body was on fire. I felt like I would explode from his touch.

“From the looks of it, you like being on display. We’ll start with twenty erotic spankings. I want you to count out each one. If it becomes too much, say red.” He didn’t wait for my response before the first four blows hit my ass. The sensation made my body hum.

I was so aroused from the spankings that by the time we got to twenty, I was panting and could barely take any more of his touch.All Brock had to do was touch my folds with a finger, and I exploded and fell to the bed.

Brock removed his pants and shirt and climbed into bed, pulling me against him. When the haze of the orgasm faded, I realized he hadn’t come. I tried to pull away, but he kept his grip tight.

“Brock, how about you?”

“Not tonight. Tonight was about you, and you were amazing. I want to take things slow.”

Not sure if it was from the orgasm or being in Brock’s arms, I fell into a deep sleep for the first time since the accident.