The scars on her body were only slightlyvisible. She was drop-dead gorgeous in the pink corset that gave her curves in all the right places. Daisy had done a fantastic job with her makeup and hair. My pants were tight before she took the robe off and got tighter after.I would have to work the floor with a hard-on.
“You are beautiful.” I directed Jessica over to a table in the bar area and pulled her onto my lap. John sat down on my left, and Daisy kneeled at his feet.
We hadonly been in the club for a half hour, and someone had verbally attacked Jessica. I didn’t know how I would work my shift and not worry about something happening to her. I had planned on having her sit at the bar with Eric all night, but every single Dom in the club would hit on her.
Matt walked up with Sasha while I was trying to come up with a plan. I thought about tying her to my side, but that would probably distract me from doing my job correctly.
Sasha had on a black tube dress. The glare she was giving Jessica could kill someone. Jessica leaned into my chest.
“Sasha, did you disrespect my sub and Daisy in the locker room?” There was no mistaking the anger in my voice.
“Sam keeps letting these scarred women in. The Doms feel sorry for them, so they keep taking all the good ones.”
“You are no longer welcome at Club Sanctorum until Sam returns. When he does, you can ask him for your membership back and let him know about your complaint.”
Sasha was shaking with anger at my taking her membership away. There was no way Sam would give it back to her. Once I spoke to the other Doms, she would no longer be welcome.
“You can’t do that. You’re not in charge.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. I am in charge, and even if Sam were here, I could do it. Matt, escort her out, and let Mia know about her suspension.”
Jessica was shifting on my lap.“Now, what are we going to do with you tonight?I can’t stand the thought of all these single Doms looking at you while I work.” The thought of anyone looking at Jessica made my vision turn red.
“Wow. That is a pretty sub you have your hands on.” Leave it to Neal to make a man jealous and make Jessica squirm to cover up.
Neal was like a brother to Jessica and Patty. He had gone to school with Patty at MIT, and he ran her company, Black Hat Security.I could tell Jessica was about to make a rude comment. I didn’t want to spend my night disciplining her for disrespecting a Dom, so I put my hand over her mouth before she could speak.
Neal sat down in the chair next to John. He cast an admiring glance at Daisy.We might not have to wait for Aaron.We’d see how Neal did with her, which brought my next plan to mind. But I needed some information before I put my plan into motion.
“Have you found anything?”
Neal ran his hands through his hair and gripped the back of his neck to release some of the tension that had built up.“No. Nobody has been back to her apartment.How about you?”
“I have a call with Sam tomorrow. He’s visiting the prison today.”
Jessica let out a gasp when I said prison. I mentally kicked myself for not watching what I said.
“You think it’s them?”
Neal and I both said “No” at the same time.
“We’re not sure who it is. We’re just taking precautions.” Not wanting to discuss Jessica’s case anymore in front of her, I figured I would put my plan into motion. “John, can you take my shift tonight?”
“I would, but I promised a reward for this one.”
“Daisy’s excited for a reward!”
“Neal, do you have a sub for the evening?”Neal never came with a sub, so I knew his answer already. I gave him credit for picking up on my line of thought.
Neal took another look at Daisy kneeling next to John. I could see the longing in his eyes. “No.”
I had him. “John, would you mind if Neal gave Daisy her reward for the night? Maybe he could even take her home?” I felt the swift kick under the table from Neal, but I didn’t acknowledge it.
John, on the other hand,was pretty much dancing in his chair.He hadn’t had an evening off from protecting Daisy for the past three months.“I wouldn’t mind. Neal, do you want to reward Daisy and keep her for the weekend.”
It took everything for me not to burst out laughing.It had gone from one night to the whole weekend.
“Daisy would like a change of scenery for the weekend. Please, Master Neal? I will do anything you want, and if you want another sub, she can join us.”