“Patty and I have unfinished business,” Sam stated to the room. “I will make sure she gets home safe.”
* * *
Everyone had just leftmy office, and the little pixie squirmed on my lap again. I was still trying to figure out what to do with her.
“I’m not admitting to anything about hacking your system. Maybe tell your IT people to double-check their code on the website for a back door. Second, I’ve known Doug for years, and he’s not a threat. So can I go now?” Patty pleaded.
I called Brock through the paging system on my desk and repeated what Patty had just said. I had confidence he would be able to fix it.
“I noticed you seem to enjoy what you saw in the club before you went all knockout. So here are your options: One, I take you to your car and have Brock follow you home to make sure you are okay. Option two is you read the rules, sign a club contract, and come as my guest for the night.” I was hoping she would take the second option.
I could sense by how tense her body was—she was trying hard to decide what she wanted to do. It was almost like an internal war going on in her head. A few seconds later, I got the answer I wanted.
“If I go down to the club, are we going to do what those other people are doing?”
“No, I will let club members know what happened. If you break another rule after reading the contract, I will have to punish you.” I almost wanted her to break a rule so I could get my hands on her.
I picked up the phone and called down to the receptionist desk, where Mia was working. I asked her to bring up a contract and a list of club rules for Patty to read. A few minutes later, Mia was in my office with the requested documents.
“Here you go, boss man. Do you need anything else?” Though Mia was submissive in the club, she was one of the deadliest people on our team. She was known in the military for her hand-to-hand combat.
I stood up and moved Patty to one of the leather-back chairs next to my desk so she could concentrate on reading the contract. I also needed to go get my body under control. There was no way I would sleep or scene with Patty tonight. In the future, she would make a great Sub. I didn’t want to scare her away.
“I will be right back. I’m going to talk to Brock for a second. When I get back, we’ll go over the contract.” She shook her head but was already deep in reading the rules and regulations.
Brock was at his station of computers, munching on licorice and drinking a Mountain Dew. “You heading back down to the club tonight?” I asked Brock.
“Once I fix this code. I think Patty got in so easy because her company owns the software we use for security.” Brock’s fingers were still flying across the keyboard.
“Wait. I thought we paid Neal Cross for a security system upgrade on the network. That cost me a mint.”
“I think she’s Neal’s boss. I also think he is at the club tonight. I’m trying to get this done so I can see what happens when they see each other. So bug off so I can get this done.” Brock sounded too joyful.
It wasn’t my place to tell her Neal was a member. We didn’t out our members, and if he was not here tonight, I would tell her something for no reason.
I went back to my office, and Patty was a nice shade of red. “Did you read through all the rules and fill out the limit list?” I asked while walking over. I picked up the limit list, and it took everything in me not to burst out laughing.
Patty had drawn all over the contract. To the right of “anal,” she’d made her own box that said “hell no,” and she’d drawn a little demon beside the line that said “fisting.” Where it said “threesomes,” she’d created a box that said “two males only.” To the right of the box, she’d drawn a woman with a picket sign that said No Vaginas Allowed.
“Well, it looks like you filled it out pretty well as long as you read the rules. Let’s head downstairs. We’ll have to address some of these things on this list. But you aren’t playing tonight. You will only watch and see if anything interests you.” She would only be playing with me in the future, but I left out that part.
We headed over to the bar area first. Eric was working behind the bar. All the club masters spent time working in different parts of the club. I let them have their membership for free as part of them working for Team Blackwood and also helping out at my club.
“You can have one drink. What do you want?” I asked Patty.
“I need a few drinks. One is not going to get me through the night.”
“You said you read the club rules,” I grumbled.Depending on how the night goes, I might need to make sure Patty rereads them.
“Shit, I forgot about that. Okay, I’ll have my one. That rule needs to change. This is a lot to take in, and getting one drink is not enough to take the edge off.”