“I will be there around five to pick you up. We’re going out to eat at Roy’s and then spending the night in the club.” Sam knew Roy’s always put me in a positive mood.
“You had me at Roy’s, then you added the club. Are we going to play, or are you going to keep making me watch, and then we go back upstairs?”
I’d spent the last few months learning everything I could about the lifestyle. For some reason, Sam would never play with me at the club. I was getting self-conscious, thinking he was embarrassed by me. He kept saying he didn’t want to share our sessions with others.
“No, I think it’s time we play. I ordered some new toys I want to try tonight. Then we can relax and enjoy our last night together before your father gets here tomorrow.”
“How about you bring those toys over to Neal’s office now, and we can try them out. I don’t want to sit here until five, waiting. Please come rescue me. I’m so done with working for the day.”
“It’s only a few hours. Don’t leave that office. I will be watching you. We still don’t know when he will strike. His last email said it would be tomorrow. I don’t want to take a chance.”
“Fine, I will sit here and run my company while you guys have all the fun.”
Sam chuckled on the other end. “Bye, my pixie.”
I sat at Neal’s desk for a couple more hours, playing with his True Genius puzzles. I told myself I would spend the rest of my time figuring out the simple problem, but a new idea came to mind.
Just because Sam said to stay put didn’t mean I had to. Last time I checked, I was an adult who could make her own choices. Maybe if I looped the camera in the office, I could use Neal’s private entrance to run across the street and grab a bite to eat. Nobody would see me go, and I would fix the cameras when I got back.
I tried to use my username to access the cameras and received a not-authorized prompt on the screen. Using Neal’s ID, I was able to log into the program. I put all the cameras in Neal’s office, the back elevator, and my exit on an hour loop. No one would be able to tell I was gone without looking really closely. If I wasn’t back in an hour, then they might think something was up.
I tiptoed toward Neal’s door and looked out, hoping John hadn’t heard the click on the other side. I also wanted to make sure no one walked in. I had all my bases covered, except for the monitor on Neal’s elevator.Shit… it might be easier to take the stairs.
I then put all the cameras in the back stairwell on a loop.This is a lot of work for some Reese’s chocolate dessert and a sandwich.
Really, I was tired of having someone on my butt every waking minute, and I wanted fresh air. I grabbed my purse and left my regular cell phone behind. I also added a timed text to send to Sam every hour in case I stayed at the shop a little longer.
If something happened, I had my burner phone on me. I also had a feeling they were watching the signal on my iPhone.
As I opened the door at the back of Neal’s office, I held my breath, hoping no alarm would go off. I was relieved when nothing sounded. Slowly, I walked down the stairs. That would be the biggest challenge—I was on the twenty-seventh floor.Maybe Ishouldhave taken the elevator.When I tried the door to get back into Neal’s office, it was locked.Well, that sucks.
Twenty minutes later, I was finally exiting the building. I’d learned a couple of things on the long-ass walk down the stairs. For someone who’s being stalked, the stairs are as creepy as they seem in the movies. Also, I needed to cut back on the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and work out more.Well, I will cut down on the creamy, delicious morsel as soon as I have one more chocolate treat from the deli across the street.
The line at the deli was short, but I still wasn’t ready to head back to work. I was sure my camera loop would still have everyone fooled.
It felt good to be alone for a second. I was still scared, but the amazing sandwich I ordered was sure to relieve all the stress I’d been feeling lately. It was the daily special: an Italian club on cheddar bread. The lunch was taking away the stress of the day. If the sandwich didn’t fix my issues, chocolate cake with Reese’s inside it surely would. To finish off the meal, I had a cup of hot cocoa.
While enjoying the hot cocoa, I was trying to place the man behind the counter. He kept his head down when he was making my drink. I knew I recognized him from somewhere. I couldn’t place it.When I get back to Neal’s office, I’ll hack the cameras and do facial recognition on him.
Too many calories later, I was ready to head back in and start doing some work. I knew the door to Neal’s office was locked, so I decided to take the elevator back up. Not sure if it was from the carb overload, but I started to feel extremely drowsy. I needed to make it back to the elevator and up to Neal’s office. My feet started to stumble as I made my way across the busy street.
When I made it back to the building, I contemplated how to get back up. I chose the elevator. They would know I’d left, but since I was back to the building, I didn’t think Sam would be too mad. I’d made it back unharmed, maybe really tired and feeling a little drunk, but nobody had kidnapped me. Why would the guy kidnap me in broad daylight, where everyone could see?Those boys need to stop being so paranoid and let me live a little.I’d proved I was able to go out for lunch by myself.
I walked into the corridor leading to Neal’s parking spot, which was next to the elevator to his office. At least the stairs had led to the street. The parking garage added an extra layer of scariness.
I almost felt like I was in a horror movie, about to be kidnapped. Everyone talking about the stalker was getting me a little too paranoid. I clicked the button for the elevator to come get me. As the numbers slowly counted down, I concentrated on not falling asleep. Not paying attention to my surroundings and watching the ridiculous numbers go down, I didn’t hear the person walking up behind me before he stuck me with a needle. Before I had time to scream or finish my last thought, the lights went out.
I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. I pulled up the video of Neal’s office and watched Patty work for a little while. She was sitting in Neal’s chair behind his large oak desk. She seemed to be in a trance. I watched for a few more minutes and decided I wasn’t going to get anything done. It was around four o’clock, so I headed to get Patty a little early.
On the way over to Neal’s office, the feeling of apprehension got worse. I knew if something was off, Brock would have called me immediately. The last time I’d had that feeling, I was stationed in Afghanistan a few weeks before I separated from the military.
My unit was sent in to rescue a squad of captured soldiers. The rescue mission went without any hiccups. All the captured soldiers were in poor shape from being tortured for a week. On our way back to camp, I had a strange feeling of trepidation.