A pair of arms wrapped around me. I think I jumped ten feet off the ground. When Sam whispered in my ear that he was ready for dessert, I was sure we were talking about two different types of dessert. He wanted me laid out on the bed so he could lick me for hours. I wanted a chocolate explosion with a taste of Sam later.
“You scared the crap out of me. When did you get back?” Sam still had his arms wrapped around me, and I could smell the slight mix of his aftershave and soap. His warm body pressed against mine almost made me want to forget about dessert and head to the house.
Sam pulled his chair so close to mine that I probably could have just sat on his lap, which would have made him happy. “My plane arrived a couple hours ago. I met with Brock at work and asked him to let me surprise you and to also let him know he didn’t need to follow you to dinner.”
I had been a little surprised when Brock didn’t follow me to the restaurant. I’d chalked it up to not seeing him hiding. He knew I wanted to spend time with Neal and Jessica, just the three of us.
While we were waiting for my dessert to show up, Neal brought up the subject of my dad coming. I’d planned to tell Sam when we were alone. I hoped he would be okay with meeting my father because some people were intimidated by meeting the leader of another country. When it came to Dad, I never saw him as anything more than a loving father who would do anything for his kids.
“How do you feel about meeting King Beckett next week?” Neal asked Sam.
Neal happened to ask the question just as Sam was taking a sip of his IPA. His beer went down the wrong tube, and he coughed. “I’m sorry, did you say Patty’s dad will be here next week?”
I shifted in my seat so that I was looking at him, trying to ignore Neal and Jessica, who were working hard to cover up their laughter. Neal knew damn well I hadn’t told Sam about my dad coming. He’d wanted to see how I would handle this situation.
“Sam, Dad is coming next week.”
Before I could get the rest of my statement out, Neal blurted out: “The all-powerful King Beckett is staying with you.” Neal could barely get the sentence out without laughing.
I would not have been surprised if Neal somehow figured out a way to stay at the house also. It would be an exciting week while my father was in town.
“Neal, shut up. This is between Sam and me.” I grabbed Sam’s hand. “Dad called me today to let me know he was coming. This was not a conversation I wanted to have over the phone. I wanted to ask if it was okay. He wants to spend the week at your house. I know he can afford a hotel or stay at mine or Jessica’s house. He wants to get to know you, and he feels you can cover your true self if he shows up for quick visits.”
Sam was quiet for what seemed like an hour before he spoke. Then he reached over and hauled me onto his lap. He took me by surprise when he grabbed me, and I let out a screech that made everyone around us turn to see what was going on.
“I tell you my father, the king of Shialia, is coming, and he is going to be staying at your house, and all you have to say is ‘okay’?” I added air quotes to drive it home.
“I want to be with you, Patty. If that means entertaining your father for a week, I will do it. I’ve spent a lot of time with politicians in DC—hell, I spent a few years in Afghanistan, fighting terrorists. I think I can handle your father.”
Neal laughed. He’d met our father many times and spent time with us in Shialia. My dad was high strung and thought he ruled the world. He definitely ruled the world of sarcasm.
Between breaths, Neal said, “You are so fucked. Oh, and, Patty, I’m leaving the country next week for a week or until your father is gone.”
“Where are you going? I might join. I love Dad, but a week visit is a little too much for me.”
No way was I going to let Jessica get out of staying around to help buffer Dad. “Not fucking happening. You’re lucky I’m not making you stay at Sam’s also. You will be there every night for tea and the royal dinner—”
Sam cut me off. “I’m missing something. What is the royal dinner?” The tone of Sam’s voice was getting closer to the frustrated side.
The last few months had been some of the best I’d experienced. We were lying in bed, and Patty’s blue hair spread across my chest as the night before filtered through my mind. When we got home from the restaurant, I couldn’t wait to have Patty in my arms. We barely made it through the door before I had my lips pressed against hers.
I needed to be inside her immediately. I ripped off her shirt, not wanting to waste any time. I pulled her bra down and immediately went to sucking on her right breast. I brought my right hand up to her other one and plucked at her nipple. Patty withered under my touch. The moans were starting to become desperate.
At her request, I slid my hand under her skirt to find she was not wearing any underwear.
The groan that came though my mouth brought Patty back to the present. “I took them off when I went to the bathroom before we left.”
I pressed my lips back to hers in a demanding kiss. The need to possess her was urgent. I grabbed her butt with both hands and lifted her. She immediately wrapped her legs around my waist, and I carried her back toward our bedroom.
Once we were in the bedroom, I broke the kiss and tossed her on the bed. I then tied her hands to the steel rings in the headboard. After Patty was secured to the bed, I worked her skirt up over her ass. Her shaved pussy was glistening, waiting for me to devour it.