Page 24 of Royal Hacker

“I need to fly to DC today to look at a case for the government.” Patty seemed to take my job in stride. She didn’t make a big fuss when I had to go out of town. “I probably won’t be back until late or maybe not until tomorrow.”

Patty was biting her lower lip, and I could tell there was something she wanted to ask. “What’s on your mind, Patty? You know I like everything out in the open. I don’t like when you feel you can’t tell me something.”

“Do you want me to go home when you’re gone?”

“I want you to stay where you’re comfortable. I like you staying at my house. It’s safer, and I like the thought of you in my bed even without me here.”


“Just okay?”

“I like the thought of staying here. The bed smells like you, and it makes me feel safe. I feel like you still have your arms wrapped around me. I will stay here tonight.”

The toaster popped, and I looked over to see she’d finally pulled off cooking a piece of toast. “See? You don’t need your staff to make you a piece of toast. You did it yourself.”

Patty twisted herself out of my arms and grabbed the toast. It was still a little warm, and she ended up dropping it on the floor. For a basset hound, Lemon could move. She grabbed the toast and took off toward her bed to enjoy it.

“Sit down, and I will make you breakfast.”

* * *


The last twoweeks were the best of my life. Sam and I had made love every night. Lemon and I were slowly moving in with Sam. I think he noticed but didn’t say anything. His house might have been small compared to what I’d lived in, but it felt more like home.

“What case do you need to go to DC about? Is it the stalker case?”

Sam still had a bodyguard on me every day, and I spent most of my free time trying to trace the origin of the emails. Sam was still helping the Austin Police Department with the case where the woman was killed by the stalker. I hacked the Austin Police Department servers and got a copy of the case files to find information on the email that was sent to the woman before she was kidnapped. I wanted to see how her emails compared with the ones I’d received.

The emails looked similar, and the router’s IP address was the same. It seemed strange that there was only one email sent to her. It almost seemed like a copycat, or the stalker was trying to throw us off our game. Maybe he’d given up on me because too many people were watching me. Sam wasn’t convinced of my idea.

“Yes, I’m meeting with the FBI director in Washington, DC, to talk about the case and how we’re going to move forward with the stalker. I won’t be back until late.”

“Since you will get home late, I think I might meet Neal and Jessica for dinner. I haven’t seen them in a week, and they might break down your door soon if I don’t.”

“Take Brock with you. Also, send me your location. If I get in earlier, I will meet you.”

Poor Brock had no life since I’d gained a stalker. If Sam wasn’t with me, Brock was. “Neal will be there, and we’re going to a restaurant.”

The veins in Sam’s neck twitched. He hated when I complained about security. That had led to our first screaming match the week before. And that had led to some of the hottest sex we’d had. He’d bound my wrists and feet together in front of me then proceeded to give me erotic spankings.

He would bring me to the brink of orgasm then ask if I was still going to complain about my security. When I would reply yes, he would let my orgasm subside. By the third time of denying my orgasm, I caved. I would have agreed to anything.

He flipped me so my bound knees and hands were on the bed and took me hard and fast from behind. I orgasmed the second he was inside me. He continued to ride me until he found his release. I came two more times before he was done.

Once we were done, he untied me and carried me to the hot tub, where we had sex again. Later that night, he explained that he was worried the stalker was waiting for us to let our guard down.

“What were you thinking about? You’re flushed, and your pupils are dilated.” Sam set my breakfast in front of me.

Lemon must have finished eating the toast, because she was right under my feet, waiting for me to drop more food.

I think my face might have flushed even more when Sam asked what I was thinking about. “I was thinking about when you bound my wrists to my feet and took me from behind.”

Sam’s pupils dilated, and he walked over and wrapped his arms around me. “If we didn’t have to go to work in a half hour, I would bind you to the bed and have my way with you all day,” Sam whispered in my ear. Then he pulled back and walked toward the bedroom. “I need to go take a cold shower so I don’t have to sit on a plane for two hours with my dick hard.”

When I was about to respond, my phone chirped. From the sound, I knew it was a text from Neal.

Neal:Can you call me on your way in? I think I might have found something.