Since Sam hadn’t come back as much during the last month, I’d dyed my hair black and told him it was because I was mourning because he kept leaving me.
I showed everybody a picture of a hairstyle I was looking to change to—the top layer was black, and there was purple underneath—and everybody agreed it was stylish. I was thinking about getting it done tomorrow, during my extended lunch break that Bridget didn’t know she was giving me.But hey, I’m one of her best employees. She can’t complain.
“Have they found anything else about the stalker? Does Sam have to head back to Texas?” Sophie asked while typing away on my laptop. I knew I should grab it from her hands, but what the hell—it would give me something to do.
“Sam thinks the local police have it under control. I still can’t believe the stalker killed the cops on duty and kidnapped the victim. The torture he put her through was worse than the previous women.” I still had goose bumps down my spine from the story Sam told me. I’d been good and not ditched my bodyguards in the last few weeks.
In the past month, I hadn’t received any new emails, but I still felt like someone was watching me. It could be the crew that Sam had planted on me. The lady in Austin could have been my twin. I took a look at the previous victims, and they all looked like me. It was creepy.
Bridget, CJ, Sophie, and I spent the remainder of the night joking and talking about computer code. When Jessica had the opportunity, she chimed in with facts about technology. For example, Google uses enough energy to continuously power two hundred thousand homes, even though it has solar panels that produce over three million kilowatts of clean energy every year just at its Mountain View campus.
The clock was not moving—I was sure of it. Some days, I wanted to log into the server and change all the clocks in the office so we could go home earlier. The only problem was Sam still wouldn’t be there. I was starting to develop a plan to make sure my sex god gave me what I wanted.
The clock turned three. Sam’s flight would be arriving. I checked online, and Sam’s flight had arrived. It was taking everything in me not to jump in my SUV, head to the airport, and grab Sam before Brock could.
I understood he needed to debrief with his team. That still didn’t mean I had to like it. The clock clicked for fifteen more minutes, then I couldn’t wait any longer. I emailed Bridget so she knew I was leaving early and that I would see her on Monday. If she needed me, she would call.
“Hey John, can you take me shopping for a few items?”
“Sure, I’m going to send a quick text to Sam and let him know what we are doing,” John replied. He had a tendency to tell Sam everything we were doing. I was curious if Sam was told when I went to the bathroom. I should hack his phone and view his text messages.
I had John drive me to the lingerie store. He stayed outside. I was happy when he’d decided to stay at the front door of the store. It would be extremely uncomfortable if he’d wanted to come into the store with me.
“Welcome, can I help you find something?” a small woman behind the counter asked.
“I’m just looking.”
I spent the next half hour walking around the store, until I found the perfect outfit. Knowing John probably wanted to go, I headed to the counter and paid.
John and I headed back to Sam’s house. I was happy John was working with me and helped keep my shopping trip to ourselves and didn’t rat me out to Sam. Since wrecking Jessica’s divorce investigation, I had listened to what everyone said about how I should keep a bodyguard on me, like today when I wanted to ditch my bodyguard when I went shopping. Instead, I sucked up my pride and took John with me.I should get extra points for not ditching the bulldog.
When we got to Sam’s place, I quickly changed into the purple bustier I bought at the store. The bustier had a thin layer of black lace over the top of the purple satin. The black straps held the top of the bustier in place. I added a see-through black lace thong. I added black fishnet stockings that linked to a garter. The outfit was complete when I added six-inch high heels.
I double-checked my outfit in the mirror. My black hair with an accent of purple was resting on my shoulders. I knew this outfit would bring Sam out of his meetings and upstairs in a heartbeat.
I took two pictures of myself in the mirror—one of my front and one of my back. I was suddenly nervous about calling Sam. I put my jitters in check and dialed Sam’s number.
“Hey, pixie.”
Feeling extra shy, I whispered, “Hello.”
“What can I do for you? I’m almost done with the meetings and can’t wait to see you. I will head over in a few and pick you up.”
“I’m going to send you a pic.” I opened the app that encrypted our messages and removed the photo within two hours.
I heard the ping on the other side. I then sent the second picture. When the second picture pinged, Sam groaned.
“Hey, guys, let’s call it a day. I need to go take care of something,” I heard Sam tell his staff.
Not sure if Sam was still directing his team or back on the phone, I said, “If you aren’t up here in five minutes, I’m starting without you.”
“I want you spread across the bed, waiting for me.” Sam clicked the phone off. I knew he would be on his way.
I arranged myself spread across the bed and waited for him to come.