Page 19 of Royal Hacker

“Does that mean you’re leaving your stuff at my house?”

I’d assumed it would be fine for me to leave my stuff there. But maybe she didn’t want to continue what we had.

“Yes, is that okay?”

She turned a lovely shade of pink.

“Why are you turning red? What are you planning to do with my stuff?”

“Lemon and I are each going to borrow one of your shirts to sleep in.”

That was hot as fuck, thinking of her sleeping in one of my shirts and nothing else. The train of thought was once again making my pants feel extremely unconformable.

“You can wear my clothes all you want, as long as you send me pictures. I don’t think Lemon needs to wear any of my clothing.”

“She will miss you. You’ve been around all the time for the last two weeks. She might think you left her.”

“Okay, give her one of my shirts.” There was nothing I wouldn’t give Patty.

I turned Patty in my arms so that her knees were on either side of my legs. The office lights made Patty’s blue hair glow. I grasped a handful of her delicate blue hair and tugged her down to my mouth. I embraced her like I wanted to own her.

By the time we separated, we were both panting and desiring more. Patty supported her temple against my chest.

“Are you sure we have to wait?” Patty panted.

“Yes, my pixie.”



Another month, and we hadn’t had sex.How long is a girl dating a sex god lookalike supposed to wait?Men were supposed to want sex. I’d thought sex was part of the BDSM lifestyle. Nope, I’d found the only Dom in the world who wouldn’t have sex with me.

For a month, Sam had been flying back and forth between Fort Lauderdale and Austin. When he wasn’t able to make it home, we texted and FaceTimed. The stalker killed the victim in Texas, and the murder was the worst so far. Sam was supposed to be heading home tomorrow after he filled out the last of the paperwork. And that night, I wasn’t going to give him an option of having sex. If I needed to, I was going to tie him to a bed or something in his club. I was ready to ask Neal and Brock to help me.I bet I could buy them off.

During the last month of him babysitting me, Brock and I had become great hacker friends. We teamed up together and played pranks on everyone. We installed a Blue Screen of Death screensaver on all the computers at Alex’s company. But Bridget figured it out and made me fix it in person, instead of just sending out the remote fix. She also forced me to apologize to Alex. I could tell he was trying to hold his smile back while yelling at me.

I’d also added John’s telephone number to so he would get phone calls at all hours of the night. John had grown on me, and his vocabulary had increased from grunts to four-word sentences. Most of the sentences were, “Patty, knock it off.”

All the tricks were harmless, but they kept my mind off Sam being gone. Every night, I slept in one of his T-shirts. I’d put another one of his shirts in Lemon’s bed, and she laid her head on it every night. Tomorrow night Sam and I would have sex.

My phone ringing brought me out of my sex dream. It was eight at night, which only meant it was my Sam calling. It was like clockwork. I curled up on my bed with one of his shirts on and answered the phone.

“Hey, pixie.”

“Hey, sexy man.”

“Sorry, not tonight, guys. I’m going to talk to my girlfriend and then go to bed,” Sam said to someone else.

But he called me his girlfriend.We hadn’t had the “girlfriend” conversation yet. I was hoping we were headed that way, but didn’t want to assume.

“Sorry about that. The local police staff are going out tonight and wanted to know if I wanted to come with.”

“You called me your girlfriend,” I whispered. Then I mouthed to Lemon, “Oh my God, he said I was his girlfriend,” then jumped up and started doing a little dance.

Sam laughed. “I spend every waking hour thinking about you. I spend my nights and mornings talking to you. I hope tomorrow when I get home, we can have dirty, nasty sex. Should I have sent you a note that says, ‘Will you be my girlfriend? Yes or no?’”

I was screaming into my pillow with joy. My boyfriend was drop-dead gorgeous. Although I wasn’t sure I could classify him as a sex god because we hadn’t done the sex part yet, he sure as hell looked like a sex god. “The note thing would’ve been kind of cool. Nobody’s ever asked me to be their girlfriend.”